Dreaming is believing

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Cadences pov

I opened my eyes - it was all a dream. It wasn't real - but I do know what it was. It was a message. He was coming.

1 year later.

Well, turns out that the father of mine is either pretty slow or that he's just forgotten me - but he would never forget me. Right? The Daleks had realised that the hallucinations that they placed in my head weren't enough. Now they were hurting me physically as well. I kind of looked like a living trashcan. My usually wavy, blond hair was al a mess. There where bloodstains covering it and making it stiff while the hair it self-was in a big need to be sorted out. I had scars and wounds all over my body - I looked like hell. The Daleks had even created human-like creatures that only lived to hurt me.

I hadn't seen sunlight for two years. Then the door opened again - of course, I expected it to be one of the Daleks humanoids but to my surprise - it wasn't. There stood a man with floppy hair, a bow tie, a jacket, suspenders and a sonic screwdriver. Beside him, there was a woman with orange hair (ginger, I know. I just couldn't get it into the sentence.), a woman with extremely curly hair and a man with short, brown hair.

"You've really done it this time 'agh!'... you look alive. Not like the ones that you usually use - the ones that you kill first." I looked to the floor as I tried to push myself up against a wall for support. I couldn't stand up anymore. The man walked forward to me but his companions stayed in place. He placed his hands on my cheeks as my eyes widened with horror and also because of the pain.

"My sweet, sweet Cadence - what have they done to you?" I looked the man in the eyes. They where old, really old. He stroke his thumb over my cheek as he places a kiss on my forehead.

"Who are you? Why have you taken his eyes?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM?!" My eyes were filled with rage.

"It's me C, it's me! It's the Doctor! It's dad." I looked at him. "No you are not, he will never come back for me. He left me here, just like I told him to!". He looked at me - his eyes filled with sorrow. I looked down at my lap.

"The heart is stronger than the brain" I looked up at him with a hint of realisation in my eyes.

"D..a..d?" said I with my voice slightly cracking. His smile grew as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"It's me C, it's really me. I came back for you. I came back." I swung my arms around his neck as I started to sob in to the croak of his neck.

"Please get me out of here, I can't walk." I could feel him nod as he lifted my light body of the ground and carried me in to the TARDIS.


"Cadence, you should rest" I ignored his comment as I told my question anyways. I looked into his eyes.

"How many years has it been?" He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.

"126", I looked down.


He carried me into my old room and placed me on the bed as he hooked me up to my old machines.

"Why are you hooking me up?", he looked at me as he stroked my hair and smiled sadly.

"You really thought that I wouldn't figure it out?" I smiled a little.

"Well, I could always hope", he kissed me on the forehead before walking towards the door before he turned around and turned off the lights. I immediately flinched at the darkness but I hid it more than well.

"Goodnight love, I'll see you tomorrow." Then the door closed and the room was swallowed by the darkness.

Two hours later.

The robotic man was walking towards me with a gun and a burner in his hand. "NO, please no!" He didn't care, he just kept walking towards me. He rolled down my shirt a little bit and placed the burner next to my collarbone. I screamed in pain - the never-ending pain.

"Stop, please stop, get away from me. Stop, let me go. STOP!" I woke up in a pool of sweat - I dreamt about the night that I was marked the Dalek's property forever. The night they ended up almost torturing me to death. The door burst open and dad ran into the room.

"Are you alright?! What happened?!". I had curled up into a ball already and my face was buried in my knees. I felt a light hand on the top of my head as dad pulled me to his chest.

"Shhhh, it's alright. It was just a dream. You're alright, I'm here. You're safe", I sobbed into my knees then I looked up at him.

"It wasn't a dream"

"Then what was it?",I looked him in the eye.

"A memory."

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