The family meeting (part 2)

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Cadences pov

I looked at the corner of my eye to see mum and dad looking at me chocked. "Take the girl and the woman to the top floor." I quickly tossed over my sonic to the Doctor - wich he caught - and then I pretended to have lost it. "Where is my sonic? Oh darn! Did someone take it?! That is mine! I may be a lunatic but I have rights!" "What if you dropped it?" I looked at the woman "That could be possible - I actually droped a jelly baby once - tragic story, tragic story." "Just take them away!" I looked in the corner of my eye once more to see mum and dad looking at me worriedly - I just winked at them and smirked.

Grandma and I had been taken to the top floor, wich looked like it was under reconstruction. "Are you building anything up here by any chance?" I said to the guard that where holding me and Jackie. "I actually don't know."

Not long after Jackie and I had been dumped on the top floor the woman from earlier that placed us here came up - but not willingly. She had a cyberman walking right behind her. Then, out of the plastics hanging down - there came a light. Then another cyberman showed up "You will be upgraded!" I think he was looking at the woman. "No!" said I but I couldn't help. The Cybermen had already taken hold of the woman as she whispered "I did my duty, for queen and country" over and over again. Then she disappeared and we heard a loud scream. I took this as my chance. I grabbed grandma's hand and ran towards the stairs. "Who are you really?!" I smirked as I ran "Not right now jacks" "But I want to know who I am running with!" "I said not now!" Then I heard the heavy steps of a cyberman followed by "Delete! Delete!". I looked at Jackie and said "Run!".

When Jackie and I managed to get a bit further away from the Cybermen her phone started ringing "Rose?!" I was the one who was on look out. "Ehm, I don't know we are in some stairs. Ehm, yes! It says E12!" "Delete, delete!" "Come on!" I shouted at Jackie as I took her hand and ran out of a door leading to a corridor. The Cybermen where not after us at the moment. Then I saw a group of peapole jogging towards us.

The group inclouded mum, dad, Mickey (who wasn't supposed to be here) and grandad (who also wasn't supposed to be here.). Jacki stood paralyzed "Pete? No, you're dead!" the man dropped the gun that he was holding and started to walk up to grandma. "Jacks" "Who are you?! Why would you pretend to be dead?!" she started crying desperatley while looking at the almost bold man "I am not your Pete, I am Pete from a parallel world. In my world I wasn't the one who died - you where." I backed away from them slowly as I walked up to the Doctor and stretched out my hand. "Screwdriver please." he handed me my sonic and I smiled at him then I turned to Mickey. "Well, hello. Nice to see that you're alive." "Who are you?" "That is a very good question that I can not answer fully since I'm still cooking but what I know is that you are Mickey Smith and that you are dead in this universe so - hello!" Then I turned to mum and dad.

"So, there must be a rift in between the parallel universes that creates a possible way for passangers to pass through. What a funny phrase 'passengers to pass' - anyways. The Cybermen did obviously not come from here and by the fact that Pete and Mickey here are both wearing cyber-thecnology earpieces my guess is that the Cybermen came through the rift the same way as you lot did, am I right?" The Doctor nodded "Pretty much, yeah.". I smiled "I love when I get it right, it feels so... right." then I smirked and clapped my hands. I walked up to Mickey and started scanning the earpiece "What are you doing?" "Oh you know, scanning your ear. Just a normal day in my life I guess." I looked at the results. "Yep." Then I looked up at mum and dad that still looked shocked by seeing me. "Deffinitly technology from another universe." Mum looked at me and stepped forward. "Who are you? Really?" I looked in to her eyes - serious. "You know who I am." She looked at my body - up and down." "But you can't be, she's still nothing more than a baby!" "Well, I am a timetraveller." She looked at me deep in the eyes. "I don't believe you." Then I pulled out my golden necklace. "You and I both know that I couldn't have taken this from another since it's linked to me and me only." She looked at me and then tears started to brim in her eyes - we where about the same hight.

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