How It All Started

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{Sep 9, 1993}
"Uhhh" Chris rubbed his eyes as his alarm continued to ring, following him was his roommates, Trey and August. "Turn that fucking shit off" an angry august screamed from across the room as he covered his head. Chris punched it once and it didn't make a sound after that, the boys didn't see the point of waking up for school but it was their way out of the hood. Brooklyn was where all the drug-dealing and fighting went down, and they lived in the worst part of it. This was their first day of 10th grade in Brooklyn . They were originally from Brooklyn but moved to Boston to pursue a boy group career but after working so hard to succeed nothing,they gave up and this was their first day back in the hood. Waking up to rats running in and out of their room, crackheads screaming early in the morning was not a good way to spend their first day back but they couldn't change their lifestyles. After realizing they were sleeping for too long, they got up and all did their morning hygiene and put on their $1000 outfits that somehow they managed to afford.

Finally after walking many blocks,they were at the school. It was just like the school they attended in Boston, it was large and this was a way for black hood kids to waste their time just to graduate and become nothing. "Where the fuck is the dean" Trey said as he looked around. While Chris was just standing there,August was staring at some girls figure, she was thick,light skin, long hair and her eyes,nose and lips were all gorgeous. Aug must have been staring for too long because Chris and Trey were snapping their fingers in his face for about 4 minutes. "Nigga you high" Trey said frustrated but as he saw what Aug was looking at, he suddenly started staring too but it wasn't for the same person, it was the girl across from the thick girl, she was tall,nice figure, brown eyes,long honey blonde hair and she didn't need much makeup to look beautiful. Chris stared at his friends trying to find what they were both looking at before pushing both of them, "we gotta find the dean office". Trey and Aug then snapped back to real life, "let's go ask them shawty's over there"trey and aug then walked up to the two girls they were both observing just two mins ago while Chris followed behind them. "Hey, me and my homies new here so you could show us where the dean is" the tall girl stood quiet, so did the thick girl until finally a girl with dreads and green eyes came out, "just follow us because that's where we're heading right now". Chris couldn't believe his eyes, this girl was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid his eyes on! "Ahhkay" August caught Chris staring and grabbed his arm as he followed Trey & the girls to the deans office. They turned and made a stop at a large brown door and the green eyed girl opened it and walked into the office, "Hi Mr Lavine, we have three new students who would like to speak to you" the three sat down after the green eyed girl introduced the guys. "We need our schedules"
"May I have your first and last names please?" The dean said as he went through the papers on his desk.
"Christopher Brown"
"Tremaine Neverson"
"August Alsina"
The dean passed them their schedules and told the six of them to get out. As they walked out Trey went up to the tall girl "hey,what's your name"
"Do I know you"she said as she looked through her bag.
Trey smiled "you will soon, what's your first period class"
"Physics,and btw my name is Beyoncé"
"Oooouu Beyoncé, sounds like a royalty name and same"
Beyoncé laughed and stopped in front of a classroom "this is physics class"
Trey looked around "where's the others that was with us"
"They already in the class,dummie"
"Ayy I'm sorry, you know all that beauty was distracting me"
Bey couldn't help but blush,boys in the school usually didn't talk to her. They only talked to the other girls in her crew. The classroom door flew open and their was an old lady asking wether or not they we're going to enter the classroom.
Bey shook her head and walked into the classroom then sat in an empty seat,Trey sat besides her.
"Students, their will be a competition for best singing group"
"What's the prize" everyone screamed
"The group will be transferred to a school in Virginia with a full scholarship"
The class smiles then turned into frowns, nobody really cared about transferring or scholarships.
The rest of the class was about physics bullshit.
Aug and Chris were playing paperball shoot until the bell finally rang. Everyone raced out the classroom,Trey walked next to Beyoncé. "Wassup beauty"
"My name is Beyoncé" she ran her fingers through her hair as she walked down the hallway with Trey
"I'm sorry,wassup Beyoncé" he chuckled, "what class you got next"

"Gym" She made a frown and walked towards the gym door

Trey laughed and then started singing  "somebody doesn't want to go to the gym"

Bey stopped walking and turned to face Trey "boy you can sing,you should do that competition"

"You should do it with me"

"I don't know about that" Trey wrapped his arms around her waist, "please?"he looked in her eyes hoping she'll say yes

"Hmmmmm oka...y" Trey Smiled and before they could walk into the gym, the 4 others they were with earlier walked up to them.
"Trey this is robyn" Chris said as he pointed to the green eyed girl
Trey waved
"And this is Nicki" Aug said as he pointed to the thick girl.
Trey waved again before putting his hand around bey neck "this is Beyoncé"
"WE SHOULD BE THE CREW OF THE SCHOOL" Aug screamed as everyone held their ears.
"We should do the group singing thing" Trey suggested to the rest of them who were now standing in front of the gym.
"We said the same thing" everyone yelled out except Trey and bey.
"We should all be a group but can y'all sing?"trey asked
Everyone started singing "waterfalls by TLC" Trey & Bey Joined in.

"Y'all should use that for the competition" everyone jumped at the surprise of their Physics teacher watching them.
"Nobody else in the school wants to join so y'all will be the only ones up to get that full scholarship to the Virginia High School" she grabbed Trey and Beyoncé arm and led the rest of the crew to the auditions which was empty. She slapped the desk where 4 judges were slowly falling asleep, " i found the perfect group"
"Uhh let's see what y'all got" one of the judges said as he laid back in his chair.
The six of them walked on stage without any practice and just started singing together "A lonely mother gazing out of her window
Staring at a son that she just can't touch.
If at any time he's in a jam she'll be by his side,
But he doesn't realize he hurts her so much.
But all the praying just ain't helping at all,
'Cause he can't seem to keep his self out of trouble.
So, he goes out and he makes his money the best way he know how,
Another body laying cold in the gutter.
Listen to me.

Don't go chasing waterfalls.
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to.
I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all,
But I think you're moving too fast.

Little precious has a natural obsession for temptation,
But he just can't see.
She give him loving that his body can't handle,
But all he can say is, "Baby, it's good to me."
One day he goes and takes a glimpse in the mirror,
But he doesn't recognize his own face.
His health is fading and he doesn't know why.
Three letters took him to his final resting place.
Y'all don't hear me.

Don't go chasing waterfalls.
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to.
I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all,
But I think you're moving too fast.
{Nicki took control of the Microphone and started rapping}
I seen a rainbow yesterday
But too many storms have come and gone
Leavin' a trace of not on God-given ray
Is it because my life is ten shades of gray
I pray all ten fade away
Seldom praise Him for the sunny days
And like his promise is true
Only my faith can undo
The many chances I blew
To bring my life to anew
Clear blue and unconditional skies
Have dried the tears from my eyes
No more lonely cries
My only bleedin' hope
Is for the folk who can't cope
Wit such an endurin' pain
That it keeps 'em in the pourin' rain
Who's to blame
For tootin' caine in your own vein
What a shame
You shoot and aim for someone else's brain
You claim the insane
And name this day in time
For fallin prey to crime
I say the system got you victim to your own mind
Dreams are hopeless aspirations
In hopes of comin' true
Believe in yourself
The rest is up to me and you

Don't go chasing waterfalls.
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to.
I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all,
But I think you're moving too fast.

Don't go chasing waterfalls.
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to.
I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all,
But I think you're moving too fast.

The judges clapped and handed each of them a paper
"You all will be going to Virginia High School"

The Crew : 1994Where stories live. Discover now