Wedding Crashers

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The next day after the wedding ceremony... (Aryanna's POV finally!!)

I ran through the people looking for Cay. People were laughing, smiling, spilling their cups, and dancing. Daddy's throne room was so pretty today. It made me happy, because I hated when it seemed sad in my home. I bumped into somebody and looked up, it was Cullen. He smiled at me and pushed the hair out of my face. "Hi Ary!" I smiled and hugged him. I couldn't stay long so I ran off before he said anything.

I seen Anora and pulled at her dress. She looked down and smiled at me. "Do you wanna dance with me Aryanna?" I thought about it for a second and nodded. She took my hands in hers and bent over a bit and twirled with me. I giggled and couldn't stop smiling. I felt someone pick me up and set me on their hip. "Cay!" I squealed. He smiled at me, and began to dance with me. I laid my head on his shoulder. I love my big brother so much. "Are you have having fun Ary?" I nodded and he kissed my cheek. "Go find dad. I'm sure he would love to see you!"

Once Cailan set me down I quickly ran to daddy's big chair. I stopped when I seen him. He looked so happy, I mean daddy always looked happy but he seem extra happy. He was laughing with Loghain and didn't notice me. "Daddy!" I yelled over everything and he looked my way. He knelt down and smiled holding his arms out. "Aryanna!" He yelled out. I ran as quick as I could to his arms and he picked me up, squeezing tightly. I breathed in and it smelled like daddy,
I loved it.

"How is my princess?" He asked me smiling. "Better now!" He squeezed me tight and I waved at Loghain who smiled large while ruffling my hair. "Did you eat some cake yet?" Daddy asked me. I shook my head and gave me a shocked face, I laughed. "Stop it daddy! You're gonna catch bugs with your mouth so big!" He pretended to eat my neck and I squealed loudly.

Cullen had walked up to us. "Cullen!" I squealed wiggling out of dad's arm and into his. He was wasn't as big as daddy or Cay, but Cullen told me it was cause he was younger than them. He held me tightly and I rested my head on his shoulder. "Why don't you go and take our princess to get some cake my boy." I heard daddy ask him and Cullen nodded.

As we walked away Cullen rubbed my back. He always smelled good to me, like the trees mixed with sun. He was the best friend anyone could ask for. He set me down and I noticed the large cake in front of us. It was white but almost looked yellow. "Cullen why does the cake look yellow?" I asked him and he laughed. "It's called Cream." I repeated the words a few times and I noticed a man call for Cullen. "Stay here Ary."

I did as I was told but I looked over and a lady was staring at me. She was very pretty with hair and pale skin like mine. She looked like my mom, daddy didn't talk much about her but I seen her face on the walls. She motioned for me to come forward and as I was about to go to her the light disappeared. I screamed and I felt my hands tingle but I was lifted into somebody's chest.

"It's daddy honey." The lights came back on and everyone calmed down. I looked up to see my dad smiling at me. I heard everyone cheering and I looked around and I seen masked men jumping around in the middle of the room.


After the wedding.... 3rd Person POV

Maric had gathered Cullen, Loghain, and Cailan in the den. "We have a huge problem." Maric spoke up. "I'll say. Dad, that no light and jester act wasn't rehearsed." Cailan spoke up. "Everyone loved it though." Loghain quipped. "That was a cover up. We all know today was a big day and should have expected some sort of trouble. Through out the night I had noticed some Orlaisans in the room. I had the knights stationed by the candles to put them out when I signaled. I had noticed them watching Aryanna. I knew they would try something and once that man called Cullen away I knew it was a coup." Maric explained. "My king am I so sorry, had I known I'd have stayed with your daughter." Maric put his hand up, signaling him to hush. "You had no idea Cullen, but I was watching. Once I seen Aryanna make contact with an Orlaisan woman I knew it was time. I brought you all here to understand the seriousness of them trying to get Aryanna. We must never let them have her." Maric announced. "Yes my king!" All three said in unison while putting their fist over their hearts.

(A/N: I apologize if during Aryanna's POV it didn't sound professional enough, but I tried to make it sound like a four year old. Hope you liked it!)

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