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The wind started picking up. It was a beautiful night, I supposed. The light breeze making the flowers sway gracefully. Little diamonds adorned the dark night sky above. A perfect night for a stroll under the moonlight. But that wasn't why I was there. Not exactly...

I had 'visited' the the mansion that belonged to my 'client' yet again. In my hand, I held a thick folder which held every detail I needed for my mission. 3 days had passed since I first arrived. During these 3 days I had learned all the places frequently visited by Randolph Davis McCoy. Even his house, which I could now navigate with my eyes closed. I also memorised the guards' rotations as well as how much time they take for each of them to get into their assigned position.

Randolph was the head of a multi-millionaire company that held great influence and power among the market. On top of that, he was running for the presidential elections in the Southern Territory. A busy man, indeed. Unfortunately for him, he did not exactly see eye to eye with the Red Brothers. He was also a Sublunary. Hence, as any respected and logical organisation would do, they orchestrated his assassination.

I've been trailing him as he took his usual night stroll through the quiet neighbourhood, stopping occasionally to chat to people who recognised him. I made sure to keep a casual distance between us. I was also using my shadows to cover me and blend me into the darkness casted by the great fences and mansions on either side of the road. Seeing as to how it was night, it was very easy for me to use my hidden ability to camouflage.

Two blocks left till he turns around the corner and walks straight into the pathway that lead to his mansion's threshold.
One block.
Left turn.

I was being extra careful to remain hidden in the shadows. As we came closer to the house it got harder as the light poured out of the house exposing me. Randolph had now reached the great metal gate that seperate his property from the main paved path. One flick of his wrist and the guards opened the entrance and gave him a bow to which he responded with a smug nod.

To make sure I did my mission right, I opened the folder in my hand one last time and read the method of extermination:
'Subject is to be terminated by causing a severe heart attack. Due to his previous history with his heart condition, this method should be the least speculative.'

Alright then.

I stashed the stack of papers back in the backpack strapped tightly on my back then leaned back against the cold stone wall. Repeating the teleportation spell. Again. Again. Again.

I looked down at my arms. All veins visible were dimly illuminated in a bright blue colour, which meant that my eyes started glowing the same colour too.
My legs started shaking wildly. Or perhaps it was the floor I stood on...

Soon enough, I was engulfed in an electric blue cloud that swept me off my feet. Focus on your destination. Focus. Focus.

Seconds later, I was dropped inside a walk-in closet. My target's closet. I kept still waiting for him to get to his room. One glance at my watch told me that it was 10pm. He should be going to be bed soon. Randolph was married but his wife was visiting her family in the Republic. And since he didn't have any children, he would be alone in the house.

Footsteps. Exactly 7 steps into the room.

It was then when I used my telekinesis to lock the door behind him and shut all the windows tightly. Then the whole room went dark. I worked best in the dark. I could hear his breath coming unevenly as he tried to pry the windows open after he failed at opening the door. Claustrophobic.

The closet door opened ever so slowly. And out, I emerged, a cloak of shadows trailing me. Through the dark, I knew only my glowing veins and eyes were visible. Randolph had collapsed in one of the corners. His breathing was even more ragged now. Both his hands were clutched into fists.

I took a step towards him. Another. Started raising my hands in his direction. Readying my power to seep into his body and quicken the process. My own heartbeat was now achingly rapid. I clenched my jaw and was ready to finish my task when he spoke. "Red. Brothers," he spat the words out through clenched teeth.

More words stumbled out of his mouth. "Sent a girl..." A groan of agony. "To kill me?" A dark choking laugh. "A shadow-bender. They'll have big plans for you, witch." I didn't care if he saw my shadows, so I let them roam freely. He was a dead man.

He struggled enough, I decided. His dying moments were long enough. Just as I was ordered. Blue waves struck out of my fingertips, colliding with his chest. His moans grew more loud. I lifted one of my hands up and produced another wave that enveloped him to muffle his yelling and shouting. Just as the dome of silence was setting upon him, he whispered, "tell my wife I love her." We both knew she would never get those last words.

All his cries for help drowned away until even I couldn't hear him. I could see him twist and bend. It looked like the stroke was finally winning this battle.

A minute later, Randolph Davis McCoy lay limp and unmoving on the wooden floor. How the mighty fall...

That's when my power crawl back into my hands and I started the prayers.
"May you find peace in the afterlife. May each of your sins stand like a grain of sand in front of a mountain for each good deed." I paused as I felt a tear trickle down my face. I didn't wipe it away. "God have mercy on your soul."

I turned around not wanting to look at him anymore. The buzzing of the teleportation spell commenced. "God have mercy on us all..."

A/N: hey everyone!! So this is my story 107. I've been wanting to put this on wattpad for the longest time. And now I started !!

Anyway, please do leave some comments. Also, vote and add the story to your library to get notifications when I update!

Ps: I'm new on wattpad so please do give some pointers. Thanks!!
Okay that's all, until next time y'all!!
Sohaila xx

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