9 2 2

Days went by dully. I tried to keep my powers in check making sure I only exert the amount they supposedly allowed. I had to finish all the doses before the next shot which was in a month's time. Slowly, the pain that came with each dose started to get more bearable. I could still feel pain but it became easier to muffle my screams until I finally blacked out.

On the 21st of July during hand to hand combat training, I heard my name echo through the speakers. "Myra Ashburn, report to the mission assigning office."
I sank on the inside. No. No, that's not what was supposed to happen! I was supposed to not get anymore missions until I finish all my doses so I can run away! Damn it! What the hell am I supposed to do now?

I pushed through the other agents and make my way to the office trying to figure a way out of this. I was not killing anymore. I was done.

I pushed the glass door and went inside.
"Have a seat, Ashburn, " commander Lahey ordered. I swallowed hard as I sat down. "You've been assigned a new mission. "

Please say it's not an assassination. That's it's only spying and reporting.

"You've been assigned the task of assassinating the Blake family," said the woman sitting on the other side of the black wooden desk like she was only telling me to pick up some milk from the supermarket.
"Ma'am?" My voice was wavering as I was trying to fight off the tears.
"You should be flattered we think that you are capable of carrying out the mission on your own. You are a lone wolf agent, Ashburn. Aren't you?" commander Lahey replied with both ridicule and, for some reason, probably shaming. "You will be briefed after lunch."

The Blake family. The entire family. For some reason I had a feeling I knew them from somewhere. The darkness in me roared to seep out into formless mist but I willed it not to, ordering it to go numb.
But Blake was a common name; it was probably just another poor, targeted family. I had always wondered why they killed these people. What made them so special and threatening to the society? What made them take a spot on the agenda and become targets?

I headed back to the others at the cafeteria fighting the urge to stop in front of the portraits that were framed in elegant gold designs and spit at them. This was their fault. All of this. I hoped they burned in hell from the moment they died to the rest of eternity for all they have done.
I didn't bother getting a tray on the way in. There was no way I was eating anything anytime soon. Luke and Judith waved at me. I had been avoiding them since I first took the doses from Nathan. I just couldn't face them. I headed the opposite direction and slumped on one of the isolated tables. I heard them calling my name but I didn't dare look back at them.

Footsteps were getting closer to me. Great. They're coming. I placed my elbows on the table and buried my face into my palms.
"What is wrong with you?" Judith demanded.
What's wrong with me? There is a lot that is wrong me ! But that wasn't the answer I gave them. "I've been given a new mission." I wasn't really lying. I mean, that was partly what was wrong.
"You got many tasks before. You did go bleak for a while but you never ignored us like that."

Please Luke, just don't. Of course I couldn't say that if I didn't want anymore interrogation.

"A whole family. I'm murdering an entire family." Now that silenced them. They looked at each other then lowered their heads and finished their meals silently.

After lunch, I lingered to the office. I had gone almost half way there until I realized I was going to the wrong one.
When I did find my way to the right office, I knocked twice then went through the door that was wooden this time. Inside, I found the woman that was sitting next to commander Lahey and another man who I recognized as Peter Falcon. He wore black from head to toe. His pale skin and black clothes made his blonde hair and blue eyes stand out even more. "Sit," he commanded firmly. I sat down as I stared at him not able to peel my eyes off him. Being in his mid 30s, he was younger than you would expect. He walked over to the light switch as the woman, who's name tag said
A. James, started preparing the PowerPoint

The lights were flicked off and a projector slithered down from an over head compartment. It was a long black snake that projected pictures through its mouth. Three wolves appeared on the projecting screen. Two looked older than the third.
God, not again...

"Werewolves. These are the Blakes. They live by the shore of East river 5.2 kilometers away from the country side of the Eastern Republic," presented Peter. Another picture slid into view. A boy around my age with his two parents. They look so familiar like I've once known them a long time ago.
"Sarah and Jackson Blake with their son Adam," A. James spoke for the first time since I came in. Sarah, Jackson and Adam. Did I know them?

They continued talking about their location, age, and weaknesses. I took all the information I normally get about my targets but as always, they neglected to tell me why they were targeted in the first place.
"This is a high priority assassination, Agent Ashburn. You can not and will not mess this up. Am I clear?" Peter never said our names without the word agent and for some reason he always spat mine as if it was a curse. Just my name. That's the man who always watched me train and practice since I first came. Always watching. Taking notes. Whenever I looked into his cold calculating eyes, I would always know that that man was born to end lives.

"Crystal," I replied.
Please don't show, I begged my shadows.

"You will leave in 14 days. Prepare yourself." Commander Lahey, who came through the door earlier but I hadn't noticed until he spoke, paused then dismissed me, "you may leave."
I stood up on my weak legs willing them to hold me upright. 14 days. I've only taken 10 doses. I had 19 left!

Well, I'm screwed...

I updated this during Arabic this time... I just get really bored at school! Can you blame me?
Anyways, what did you think of this chapter?
Oh and tell me what's your favorite subject at school! (Other than lunch and recess, which are my favorite tbh 😂) I'm curious!

Until next time!

Sohaila xx

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