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It took a two day trip to get to the Western Kingdom. Every now and then, the truck would stop for about 30 minutes during which I teleported my self out, cautious not to be seen, to stretch and go to the bathroom. Sleeping inside that metal coffin wasn't exactly comfortable and luxurious and I had nothing to keep me company but my shadows. But it was worth it.

As soon as I heard the driver say that the journey was over, I teleported my self out and started running as far away as I can. I made a quick stop at a cafe to grab a bite and some cold water. I've been eating off my stashed dried fruits and beef for the past 2 days.

After I rested for a while, I went in search of a place isolated enough for me to focus and teleport home. I found an abandoned shop. I went inside the dusty property and shut all the blinds and doors behind me. I strapped my backpack tightly then exhaled a breath. I glanced at the ring  Nathan had given me. It was shining yellow as bright as the sun. I smiled then closed my eyes and focused on every memory I had of my home. Every smell, sight and sound. Everything I had tucked away for years; I let it all back in. I welcomed the nostalgic feeling I had lost a while back. The ground started shaking and I felt the power within me surfacing with a buzzing feeling.

Of all the places, I teleport myself right at the front porch of our humble yet extraordinarily beautiful house. I turned away from the door and let the tears flood.

I. Am. Home.

I gathered all the courage left in me and rang the door bell once. I looked around admiring the familiar surrounding. I couldn't think of anything but Nash's face looking straight at me. Nash. What would he think of me after what I've done?

Only one way to find out.

What was taking so long? I started to worry that he had moved away because the pain embedded in this house was too much for him. My shadows whispered in my ear as if to  calm me. I rang one more time then looked to the side and recognized the house next to us as the one that once belonged to the Blake family. There was something odd though. There was a picture of the family surrounded with fresh flowers and candles. A translucent black material was placed delicately over the picture. That was how we payed our respects to the recent dead.

What the hell?

My thought were cut short when the door finally peeked open and a familiar face appeared through. Nash. I saw him swallow so hard like he was trying to gulp down pebbles. He pushed the door wide open. I heard a girl's voice calling his name from behind. Vanessa. I was so overwhelmed with all the emotions I felt. I wanted to tell him so many things. But I only absently said, "They're dead. Aren't they?"

They think I failed my mission. They sent other agents instead.
107 just became 110.


Part two coming very soon. Oh and it's still the same book just different sections :)

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