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Later, we were back on base and the commander congratulated us on the success. I took pride that for once, they succeeded with the mission but I failed. I failed in terminating my subjects. I took no part in killing. I'm still a murderer but the number 107 was still the same; no one was added on my list.

As a reward, we got the rest of the day to ourselves. They all went to the cafeteria. It amazed me how they haven't lost their appetite. But then again, why would they? They had fun, didn't they? But being the only assassin among them with a heart that still feels the pain and agony, I headed to the gym since it was the only way I knew that would take my mind off all this. Even if its just for a little while. I'd drift off into oblivion that was induced by ragged breathing and rapid heartbeat.

But I haven't forgotten my promise; by nightfall, I will go back and help him. I still had no idea why I was helping him but what I did know was that I missed helping people instead of ending their lives.

I set up the treadmill on the speed I wanted, placed my earphones in,

 and started running, running, running. If only I could run like that and reach the destination I really wanted; home. I did wonder sometimes what my friends and family were doing. What did they tell people who asked where I was? i mean  How were they doing this? How was Nash doing? I was all he had left and now he didn't even have me by his side. He was alone. Just like me. I tried so hard to push away all these thoughts but it's not like you can hide away from your own mind.

After I was done running, I headed to the simulator room and chose to use a sword as my weapon. I went inside. The room goes dark and suddenly there is a faint glow coming from behind me. I turn around and a hologram man was running towards me. He threw a hologram spear. I ducked and then straightened myself just in time to sink my sword into him. Two more came rushing. I took a calculated swing at the one nearest to me making him stumble back, giving me just enough time to slice the other in half as it came at me. Then the one who stumbled was back on his feet, shooting arrows. I move behind a wall and then climbed the stairs to the next floor only to find another one there. I ran full speed and sank the sword into his torso before he got a chance to take a hit. When the first hologram was out of arrows, I jumped back down to the first floor and thrusted my sword through his neck. 

"Simulation complete."

Sweat was dripping on my neck. I returned the sword and headed to my quarters to take a shower. I went into the bathroom, warmed up the water, took my clothes off and jumped in. The warm water eased every tense muscle in my body. Except one. It disturbed me greatly how luxurious this was. We didn't deserve hot water, comfortable beds, or hot meals. I didn't.

When I got dressed after the shower, I looked at the clock and then through the window. I had about half an hour or so till sunset. I started packing a small bag and filled it with some stuff from the first aid kit, a bottle of water, and a bag of dried fruits I had taken yesterday from the cafeteria because I got hungry. I also got the largest long sleeve shirt I owned, and one of the bed sheets.

I sat on the edge of my bed contemplating what the hell I was doing. He did remind me of someone dear to me; Nash. But I didn't know who he was or what he has done in his life. Was he worth saving? I shook the thought away. I wasn't like them. Who was I to judge whether or not he was worthy? Hell, if there was anyone who wasn't worthy, it was me.

 The sun started setting. I stared at the vast horizon and I remembered a quote from a book I once read, "everyday I go outside and look at the vast horizons, just because I can." I've never really understood it until staring at the horizon became my favorite thing to do. It reminded me that it's a big world and that i was so small and weak. I liked to be reminded that.

It's time. I stood up, strapped the bag on my back, and let out a long breath. I looked at the mirror and watched the eyes staring back at me turn blue and the veins glow. I closed my eyes and went back with my mind to that shed. I tried to remember every sight, smell, and sound. I tried to imagine myself like I was back there again and then I whispered,"transferre me." Transport me. I kept repeating the words over and over. My head started spinning. Then, just like that, I felt free like I was drifting through mid air, like I was as light as a bird flying under the night sky. I pull in a breath. "Transferre me," I breathed. 


Third chapter guys!! And that doesn't even include the prologue! I'm on a role here!

What did y'all think of the chapter? I know its a bit shorter than the rest and that not much happened in it... I think it's kinda like a filler chapter but stick with me. It will get interesting! 

Btw, i took that quote "everyday I go outside and look at the vast horizons, just because I can" from an actual book. Can anybody guess which one? ;) (tell me in the comments!)

K, that's all!


Sohaila xx

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