Chapter 2

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"Elizabeth whats wrong with your wrist?"Damian said after he saw that i was looking at my wrist which was bleeding.

I tried to respond but no word came out of my mouth in wanted to tell him but i couldn't i just couldn't i couldn't face the only person who actually bothered to help me i couldn't face losing him.

"Elizabeth answer me.Please"He said almost begging wanting to know whats wrong with my wrist(s).I looked up so i could see his face his eyes were full of worry and concern he had that look of guilt on his face but i don't know what for.

"I..I..can't tell you..."I stuttered looking back down at the floor.

His hand was gently placed in mine he started to pull me away so we wouldn't be seen as he knows i don't like crowds very much he pulled me into an abandoned hallway.

"Why not?"He asked with his voice laced with fear.Fear for me.

"Because if you found out you will never want to talk to me ever again!"I kinda shouted slightly raising my voice as i started to walk away.

He didn't bother to try and stop me because he knew i wanted to be left alone.How wrong he was.

I didn't want to be left alone because then my thoughts will consume me and for me quiet is violent.Darkness and Depressing thoughts fill my mind when i am left alone.

I headed straight for the toilets without making any eye contact whilst holding my wrist so no one would see the red liquid on my blazer.When i got there I went right into a bigger toilet stall and threw Mt bag on the floor.My back was against the wall as I slowly slid so I was sat down with my head in my arms I felt a salty clear liquid run down my cheeks as I started crying my eyes out.

I quickly recovered kinda and I went straight to my bag and go out my first aid kit and a small blade.

I picked up the blade and pulled down my sleeve and slowly applied pressure to my wrist  until it drew blood the pain was worth it because I deserved it,you could say that I am an artist who uses her skin as a canvas ,the crimson liquid slowly oozing out of the fresh wound.I repeatedly did this afflicting the pain that I deserved.

After both of my arms were littered with new scars I put a bandage on it and some aesthetic to help with the pain. I walked out of the toilets and I looked up at the clock it read 01:03 perfect timing just in time to get to class which was art and that was a class that I had with Damian oh great.

Time skip to after school

I was walking out of the school gates I was rushing to get home so then I can do to the cave to avoid my dad.

I ran round about 6 blocks until I was exhausted from the dehydration and I just felt I bit weaker.

I got back and picked up my suit and ran/jogged to the nearest ZETA tube which was a telephone box.

Silver Phantom:B30

I walked in and saw everyone sat down o. The couch watching BB and blue play Mario Kart even though they were two years older than us so they were 16 typical..

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