Chapter 11:The almost full recovery

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My eyes started to close as we slowly drifted off to sleep as i leaned against him my head snuggled into his shoulder as i embraced his warmth for the first time his scent filled my nose as i breathed in and out.

His arm sneakily was placed over my shoulder as he pulled me closer as if to keep me warm.My eyelids are getting heavier as the TV played in the background.

We have had a long day as we spent hours trying to regain my memories but we had no avail after trying for a couple of days.

My dream state I felt like I could see everything my vision would spread so I could help anyone.But that was stopped soon,sooner than I had hoped and I looked at my ankle to see a chain and ball pulling me down to the ground.I am plummeting closer to the ground every second until...

A light flickered on and a screen clouded my vision as memories flew past my line of sight as i took in every detail.The good ones the bad ones,the happy ones and the depressing ones mainly if him..

But I saw some that upset me very much it was my father yelling at me raising a bat towards my face.I am screaming for it to stop as i felt my shoulders shake as though someone was trying to wake me.

My eyes shot open to only be greeted by darkness I turned around to feel something brush against my lips as what stood out to me was his greeny-blue eyes filled with concern like I had seen them many times before.

I remember him every single detail.Tears flowed out of my eyes.I felt weight get of the sofa as i looked up at Damian.He walked over To the lamp and turned it on the he walked over to the stereo and out on my favourite song as he held his hand and offered to dance with me.

Play song...

I was pulled up as i was spun in his arms while we both danced as sang with smiles on our faces.

As we then realised that we had developed a butterfly in my stomach feeling towards each other,A nervousness and bright red faces when ever we met up.
We had for the first time felt love.the true kind the stubbornness at first that slowly starts to write its own happy ending as we kept on defying the majority rule.

It was amazing as were we still standing together side by side.surviving all odds.While being the kids we were supposed to be from the start(finally feeling emotion XD).Even though we are 15 going on 16.


3rd person POV

As young love was blossoming.As they were dancing through the night.The rest of the family had woken up to the scream and went to go see what was wrong only to find there youngest member of the family dancing and singing,pretty well If I may add,with the love of his life.

They just stood in the door frame too shocked to move as they stood in amazement at the pair they were like two jigsaw pieces fitting perfectly together as they danced the night away.

As there jaws dropped to the floor with amazement.
"Damn he's a good dancer"Tim whispered slightly jealous as he broke the silence as the others agreed with this statement quietly as not to be noticed by the two dancing they pulled out their phones and as they recorded the moment on their phones to use as blackmail later they just couldn't believe the sight before them..


Who knew that the a conserved,headstrong boy could fall in love with the quiet broken girl.Who are so different but so similar at the same time.It was curious but a somesort of miracle as they needed each other as they perfected each other even though they were perfect in eachothers eyes......



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A/N I thought I might as Well end it on a happy note even though this book is really cliché

I hope you enjoyed this book

Lady_S signing out for the last time...

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