Chapter 5

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I got out if the Zeta tubes and ran all the way home knowing that i was already late home i didn't want to make him even more angry.My after father knows that i am a superhero/vigilante whatever you want to call it and he despises it he hates it with a passion that i am saving lives after what happened to my mother because he blames me for her death .

Round about 7 years ago.What happened to my mum was my fault because i was acting stupid and we had just started heading back from shopping since it was getting late with her when she got pinned to the wall by a gang or something.

She was threatened to give them her money and she did but it wasn't enough for them they wanted more out of her seeing how far they could go so they ripped of her necklace off of her neck as she was sobbing against the wall as i stayed quite as they had a knife to my throat so i couldn't do anything i was too scared to scream for help.

My mum thought differently and attempted to scream but to be only have a hand clamped against her mouth and and shot was fired that was when he appeared in his black clad costume and cowl over his face he started to attack them throwing punches left right and center.I heard footsteps behind the thug but they were too light to be a mans so i knew it was the third robin Tim Drake with his red costume with light canary yellow inside of his black cape lets just say his costume wasn't as bright as the others he had a domino mask instead of a cowl like the flash and batman.So i kept my mouth shut and i felt the sharp piece of silver off my neck and a thud on the ground behind me so i knew that he was taken care of. I ran straight over to my mother who was on the ground and checked for a pulse i checked on her neck her chest and her wrist but non was found i was devastated and i started sobbing over her body.

A hand was placed on  my shoulder for comfort I looked up at them knowing that they would take me to the police station or something I didn't want to go with them so i stood up and ran away from them all the way home thats when i started to learn how to fight many different styles and to learn many different language round about 15 in total but after a year my dad started drinking and he would come home mad furious is a better word if i am honest and he would start grabbing closest thing and taking his anger out on me with the said object.Luckily i knew first aid but he threatened that if i told anyone he would kill me himself..A bit cruel if you ask me.

Anyway back to reality and not flashbacks

I stopped right in front of the door and my hand reached for the handle as i opened thee door as quietly as i could hoping that he didn't hear me come in I b lined straight for the kitchen but i was too worried that i didn't see or hear him come up behind me.

"I bet you were with you little superhero friends weren't you!"He yelled his breath smelling of alcohol and his eyes were filled with fury he was more than mad.

"Y..y..yes"I stuttered if there was a person i was scared of it was him.

I saw his hand reach for the closest thing that was a baseball bat and a bottle.He started throwing hits and me and telling me how worthless i was and how it was all my fault and nobody else's .I tried to hold back the pain as best as i could but it didn't work i started crying and half screaming till my throat was dry.That was when he got something else i couldn't see it because my vision was going blurry but i felt an enormous amount of pain shoot up my leg i heard two sickening crack where my legs were my best guess is that they were broken.

The pain was no longer bearable as my vision was getting darker by the second I knew he wasn't going to kill me because he wanted me to suffer but the thought still didn't stay out of my mind as my head hit the floor as my eyes closed as I went unconscious.

Damians POV for the first time

Why did she run out like that i have never seen her worry like that at all.Whats gotten into her.
After debating whether or not to follow her i decided to not to because she might of wanted to be left alone but what she did show me.Ah screw it I'm gonna follow her for her protection not because i like her or anything,right?

I was close by her house as i was on patrol with Father,Grayson also Drake and i took the north which was where Lanfords/Silvers  house was and I heard some muffled screams and some shouting coming from her house i went near the window to see what was going on and I saw something horrible it was Lanford out of costume and in normal clothes,she was unconscious on the floor she was bleeding from her head and the rest of her body.

I crept into the house and picked her up bridal style and took her from her house to take her to the hospital hoping that she was okay..

What do you guys thinks gonna happen next?and is Damian growing feelings for Lanford?

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