Chapter Five: Lu Who?
It was just a matter of hours after Dumbledore had left the Weasley home that he found himself sitting back in his office at Hogwarts. He couldn't get Lu out of his head. She had seemed to be so nervous and fearful when she had first spotted him sitting with Arthur and Molly. Though Arthur had warned the older man of the girl's nervousness around others, he hadn't imagined it to be so bad.
She had declined to answer any of his questions about her past, yet she had been more than willing to show off her magical abilities, proud of them. She was much better than he had expected her to be without any proper schooling, only making her that much more interesting to him. There was something about Lu Dobbs that seemed so familiar, but he couldn't place it, just as how Arthur struggled.
"Albus?" The man looked to the doorway of his office to find a familiar face standing before him in a pair of torn trousers and a wrinkled shirt. "Is this a bad time?"
"Of course not, Remus," Albus waved the younger man in. Remus only nodded as he made his way deeper into the office, taking a seat across the desk from the older wizard.
"What were you thinking about?" Remus wondered. "You seemed to be out of sorts."
"Arthur Weasley sent me a letter a few days ago," Albus informed him. "A young girl had apparated to his home and lost consciousness from a bad head wound. When she woke up she was afraid of everything and refused to tell them anything about herself, except that her nickname was Squib. I went to see her today, see just how talented she is with magic... She was able to perform spells without speaking or the use of a wand."
"How old is she?" Remus glanced down at his feet as he spoke.
"Thirteen," Albus smiled. "She's quite skilled for a witch her age."
"I can't wait to see that for myself in class," Remus smiled half-heartedly as he looked back up at the headmaster.

Call me Squib
Fanfiction*CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING* Book One of the Call Me Series Embry Malfoy was thrown aside by her family at the age of three, treated as nothing more than a servant. Tortured by those who were supposed to protect her. She never understood why she didn'...