Photos and Dogs

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Chapter Twelve: Photos and Dogs


It had been several weeks since Embry's breakdown in front of Professor Lupin, yet she still found herself staring over the photo as she sat at the edge of the lake. She couldn't get over the fact that the baby in the photo appeared to be her, but she'd never seen the man in it before. Why was he holding her if she didn't know him?

The teen was pulled from her thoughts at the sound of crunching grass. She looked up to find a black dog sitting near the tree line, watching her. Her brows furrowed at the dog's sudden appearance, never having seen a dog around the school grounds before.

"Where'd you come from?" She tucked the photo into her pocked as she offered the dog a small smile. The dog hesitated for a moment before it trotted towards her, constantly eying the girl's hair. With Professor Lupin's help, Embry had managed to gain a better handle on her constantly changing hair, leading to her always keeping it a light blue color to match her eyes. "Are you lost?"

The dog rested its head in her lap, staring up at her with its dark eyes. Embry smiled as she ran her fingers through the dog's coarse dark fur, unable to get past the thought that she somehow knew the dog.

"Lu!" The girl's head snapped up, easily spotting George and Fred running down the hill towards her. The dog tensed beside her, lifting its head to take in the approaching redheads.

"What are you two doing?" Embry couldn't help but laugh as the twins managed to trip over their own feet, sending them falling down the rest of the hill. "Shouldn't you be in Potions?"

"It ended like half an hour ago," Fred informed her.

"How long have you been down here?" George raised a brow at the girl. "We didn't see you at lunch."

"Since my lesson with Flitwick ended," she shrugged as the twins took a seat on either side of her.

"Who's dog is that?" George eyed the dog sitting between himself and Embry.

"Not sure. He just showed up a few minutes ago," Embry petted the dog again. "I'm surprised Ginny didn't come looking for me as soon as her lesson ended."

"I think she's trying to give you space," Fred sighed as he stretched out of the grass. "It's obvious that you're starting to come out of your shell, I think she's afraid of ruining it. At this rate Mum and Dad won't recognize you come the holidays."

"Thanks," Embry rolled her eyes as her hair shifted from blue to red, it being identical to the twins' hair.

"You look good as a ginger," George complimented her.

"I'll leave that to you two." Embry chuckled as her hair turned back to blue. "We should probably get back to the castle, I have to work on some Potions homework."

"No, you need to help us plan a prank on Slytherin." George corrected her as he helped her up to her feet.

"I'm not a prankster," she reminded them. "Though, make sure you get Malfoy."


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