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Chapter One: Escaping


"Hey, Squib!" Embry froze at the sound of her brother's voice, it seeming to turn her to ice. She kept her eyes trained on the ashes that had gathered in the fireplace that she had just started to clean. However, her lack of reaction only seemed to anger the blonde boy. A sharp pain filled Embry's head as she fell onto the floor. Her vision blurred slightly as she looked up to find Draco smirking down at her, joy clear from the smirk that filled his thin lips. "Look at me when I talk to you!"

"Yes?" She whispered in a hoarse voice, doing her best to ignore the warm feeling coming from the back of her head. She tried to ignore it as she kept her eyes locked on her brother's white blonde hair, it being starkly different from her own jet black locks. Embry and Draco were complete opposites in every way possible, even in how their parents treated them.

Father wants you to clean the kitchen," Draco kicked her leg as he walked off to find something else to do. As soon as the blonde had disappeared from sight, Embry brought her hand to her head. When she pulled it back she found her pale fingers covered with the all too familiar sight of a sticky crimson liquid. It was only the fifth day of the summer and he had already managed to make her bleed, she could only imagine what the rest of the summer would hold.

"Lucius, what will happen if he keeps digging around?" Narcissa Malfoy's voice floated down the hall as Embry forced herself to her feet. "If he keeps looking around he'll surely find her!"

"Everyone thinks she's dead!" Lucius' hiss was unmistakable to his daughter. "And if he starts getting close it'll be no problem to make it reality. It's not as if she's receiving any owls with Hogwarts letters! And Draco makes sure not to say a word about her."

"But kill our daughter..." Narcissa trailed off. At the sound of her mother's words Embry's blood turned to ice. She had always known that her parents would never love her as they did Draco, but had hoped that somewhere within their cold hearts that they cared for her on some level. But she was wrong. For they were standing just down the hall, talking about ending Embry's life! How could a parent ever think of doing such a thing to their own child?

"No," Embry whispered in disbelief. Her mind raced with panic, trying to think of somewhere she could go, somewhere safe. For years, she had been trapped within the walls of Malfoy Manor, never speaking or getting the chance to meet others.

After a moment she could faintly remember a place her father had once spoken of, though always with clear disdain. He and his friends had laughed and joked about a place called the Burrow, how it was out in the middle of nowhere and easy for them to attack when the time was right.

With blood still spilling from the cut on her head, Embry closed her eyes in hope to push aside the exhaustion that was steadily creeping upon her. She tried to imagine the home that she had never once seen with her own eyes, wishing she could be there. Suddenly, she felt a pull from her nose and the feeling that she was being squeezed through something, like a tube. The pressure continued to grow for a few seconds before it disappeared altogether, sending her falling to her knees.

She slowly opened her eyes at the feeling of grass underneath her, releasing a breath she hadn't been aware that she was holding. She found herself kneeling in a small field, corn surrounding her and a large house that rested about a hundred feet away from her. Halfway between the house and her stood a young girl, her bright ginger hair shining in the bright sunlight.

"Mom! Dad!" The redhead screamed for her parents at the sight of the blood covered girl in front of her. Embry didn't say a word, letting her bleeding head fall into her trembling hands. She didn't bother to look up at the sound of two loud cracks and what seemed to be a dozen sets of feet running nearby.

"Ginny, what's wrong?" A woman's voice questioned. The girl, Ginny, didn't say a word, only pointing out the bloody brunette resting in the grass. Embry could hear the crunch of the grass as someone approached her. It wasn't until she felt a hand land on her shoulder that she moved, cringing away from the unfamiliar touch. At her sudden movement the hand disappeared, causing Embry to look up. She narrowed her eyes against the sun's bright rays, making out the image of a man and woman kneeling over her, both with bright ginger hair of their own.

"Miss? Can you tell us what happened?" The man asked, his voice holding a sense of urgency to it as he took in Embry's injured figure. He hesitantly reached for her head to try and get a better look at her cut, but she quickly pulled back, falling backwards into the grass.

"It's okay," the woman tried to assure her as her vision started to rim black. Embry knew from experience that the darkness would soon overcome her, leaving her defenseless against these strangers. "We're just going to help with your head."

"Help me," Embry's soft plea escaped her lips before everything around her turned to black. 

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