Chapter Eighteen: Christmas
***Embry's POV***
"Nervous much?" Cedric chuckled as he played with my now white hair while rested my head in his lap. We were almost to the station where his dad was waiting for us, how could I be anything but nervous?
"What if your dad doesn't like me?" I chewed on my lip which only made him laugh again.
"He'll love you," he tried to reassure me as I glanced at Lark who was sleeping on the bench opposite us. "You're smart, nice, and you're different from others."
"Explain please," I raised a brow at I focused so my hair turned black.
"You're shy but at the same time you're not afraid to speak your mind." He looked out the window as if he were deep in thought. "You get along with most people as soon as you meet them but you're also able to see through facades. You're one of a kind."
"So are you," I smiled as he leaned down and kissed me on the nose.
"We're here," he informed me as I felt the train starting to come to a stop. I could feel my hair go white again as he helped me up and I picked Lark up along with my bag. We headed down the corridor but I stopped when I saw familiar faces through the window. "Em?"
"Cedric...I can't," I shook my head as I ducked into an empty compartment with him right behind me.
"What's wrong?" He asked as he pulled me into his arms.
"They're out there," I whispered into his shoulder as I forced tears to not fall.
"It's okay, we can stay here until they're gone." He rubbed small circles in my back as we just sat there with him holding me. "They're gone, are you okay?"
"Yeah," I wiped the tears still in my eyes as I pulled away from his chest and took a deep breath.
"You're safe," he promised me as he gently kissed me on the forehead. I nodded as we both got up and grabbed our things again before leaving the empty train. When we stepped out into the chilly wind the platform was almost empty except for a few families and friends that were talking and then there was a man smiling as he walked towards us. He had the same hair color as Cedric but his was longer and he was shorter and wore glasses.
"Cedric, good to see you!" The man grinned as he pulled Cedric into a hug before pulling back and smiling at me. "You must be Lu?"
"Yes, nice to meet you Mr. Diggory." I shook his hand as I glanced at Cedric to see him smiling at us.
"Please, call me Amos." He chuckled as he released my hand and Cedric took it in his right away and gave it a small squeeze. "We should get going now. Cedric take my hand, you too Lu."
"Why?" I asked as Cedric let go of my hand and took his father's while I did the same.
"We're apperating," Cedric informed me. I nodded as I closed my eyes, after a few minutes I felt like I was being squeezed in a tube and then it stopped and I opened my eyes again. We were standing in front of a small house that looked homey like the Weasley's house.
"Come on in!" Amos waved as he headed into the house and Cedric came over to me.
"Welcome to my home," he smiled as he took my hand in his free one and we carried our things inside as Lark jumped from where she'd crawled into my bag and started to wonder around. The door took us right into a siting room where Amos was looking over some papers.
"Couldn't help bringing home work dad?" Cedric chuckled as he sat his stuff down next to the couch and did the same with mine before we sat down on the couch.

Call me Squib
Fanfiction*CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING* Book One of the Call Me Series Embry Malfoy was thrown aside by her family at the age of three, treated as nothing more than a servant. Tortured by those who were supposed to protect her. She never understood why she didn'...