Chapter Ten: Little Lu Falls
Everyone watched as Lu stepped in front of the boggart with fear practically radiating off of her. The boggart didn't change right away, it almost seemed to be confused before it started to change into a hand holding a wand. Murmurs of confusion filled the room as Lu just stared at the hand and wand, pure terror filling her as she shook. Before anyone could do anything she was falling to the ground, her body still trembling in horror from the sight.
"Lu!" Fred and George both yelled her name as she hit the floor. Lupin quickly stepped between the girl and the boggart when it started to get closer to her.
"Riddikulus!" Lupin yelled at the boggart, but no one paid attention to what it did as Lupin locked it back into the wardrobe, no one noticing that it had taken the form of a full moon. As soon as the boggart was locked away, Lupin rushed to Lu's side and knelt down beside her. She looked so pale as she laid on the ground, scaring her friends.
"Miss Johnson, run ahead and inform Madam Pompfrey that I'm bringing Miss Dobbs to the hospital wing," Lupin instructed one of the students as he scooped Lu up in his arms and headed towards the door. "The rest of you can have the rest of the lesson as a free period.
"Let's go to the common room," Fred grabbed his brother by the arm and puled him towards Gryffindor Tower, Lee right behind them. Once the three reached the common room they sat down in front of the fireplace, still in shock from what they had just witnessed.
"Why did her boggart become a wand?" Lee broke the silence that had fallen between them.
"It seemed confused before it changed," George pointed out. "It was almost like it didn't know what to change into."
"Do you think the wand has to do with how she showed up at the house?" Fred asked his brother, recalling the first time they had seen the girl. How she had been lying in the grass, blood pouring from her head.
"What are you talking about?" Lee's brows furrowed together at his friend's words.
"When Lu showed up at the Burrow she was bleeding and confused," George informed his friend. "She fainted and when she woke up she was terrified. She refused to wear anything but pants and turtlenecks, even though it was burning up outside."
"The hand holding the wand might have been the person who hurt her," Fred thought aloud. George's lips tugged downwards at the thought, not understanding why anyone would ever want to hurt Lu, she was so small and delicate.
"What are you three doing here?" All three of the boys looked up at the familiar voice. Standing behind the couch was Percy, the twins' older brother and the Head Boy for the year. His eyes were narrowed behind his glasses and his face was scrunched up as if he'd eaten something bad.
"Professor Lupin ended class early after Lu fainted," Fred informed his older brother. "Not that it's any of your business."
"Off to your next class." Percy instructed the younger boys before heading out the portrait door himself.
"He's so bloody annoying!" Lee groaned as the trio headed out into the corridor, knowing they needed to get to their Divination class. "How is it that you're related to him?"

Call me Squib
Fanfiction*CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING* Book One of the Call Me Series Embry Malfoy was thrown aside by her family at the age of three, treated as nothing more than a servant. Tortured by those who were supposed to protect her. She never understood why she didn'...