Chapter 8: Hurt

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               Everybody started dancing as Niki Minaj Hey Mama started to play. "YES I'LL BE YOUR WOMAN, YES I'LL BE YOUR BABY." The room started to sing. I smiled and laughed as I smelled a familiar sticky sweet liquid. I turned to see some people drinking something out of a red solo cup. I frowned and Katie grabbed my arms and twirled me around. "Come on Liza lets go par-tay!" She said the same smell coming off of her. "Katie are you drunk?" I asked her concerned. She shook her head and shrugged. "No, well, maybe a little. But mostly just high." She admitted. I let go of her hands in shock and she smiled at me. "I'm messing with you Eliza I'm sober." She said with a laugh. I sighed deeply and then smiled remembering the music. "Come on lets go have some fun!" She said as Counting Stars started to play. "Take that money watch it burn, sing that you the rhythm the lessons I've learned." We sang to each other. Then a slow song came on and Noah tapped my shoulder. "May I have this dance?" He asked me bowing with his hand out. I rolled my eyes grabbing his hand. Noah smiled at me as we held each other and sway slowly. I felt all eyes on me as I danced with Noah to the song. I looked up at him and saw that he was enjoying himself. Then near the end of the song someone yelled "Wooo! Get that Bear!" And knew they were talking to Noah. Everyone laughed and I stepped away from him as the song ended feeling embarrassed. "I'm going up stairs for a while." I said walking away. Noah reached out to me just barely missing my wrist. I kept walking up to my room. I took a deep breath as I sat in the dark looking out of the window from the desk chair. The music was still pounding and I could feel the vibrations under my feet. I noticed a star shimmering off in the corner of the sky. I looked at it remembering the kid that got hit by a car. "Hope your doing okay." I whispered. Then I heard some one open the door and music poured into my room. "Hey, you okay? I saw you go up here when that idiot yelled at Noah." Alex asked me standing next to me. "Yeah, I'm fine." I told him. My wings had a sudden feeling of wanting out and Alex squatted next to me. "Are you sure? I'll stay up here with you if you aren't." He told me. I looked down at him and plastered on a fake smile. "Yeah I'm fine. I'll be down in a minute." I told him. Alex looked at me for a moment before getting up and heading back down stairs as a Ariana Grade song played. As soon as he left, I got up and locked the door. I sighed as my wings itched me even harder. I quickly took off my dress and before I noticed my wings were already out leaving me with a familiar breath taking feeling. They didn't rip my bra, thank god, so I just let them hang out. Then I tried something dangerous. I flapped them a few times lifting me off the floor a few inches. I smiled and looked at the window. 'I can leave and come back.' I thought to myself feeling tempted. Then I frowned and closed my wings realizing what I was saying. "That's not a good idea." I said. Then someone knocked on the door and I heard Noah. "Hey Eliza, are you feeling okay?" He asked me. "Yeah I'm fine." I told putting my dress back on. "Are you sure? You  can just lay down if your not." He told me. I opened the door feeling a bit rushed. "I'm fine." I said sternly. Noah took a step back and looked at me surprised a little. "Okay if you say so." Then Tracy Sanders walked up here with a frown on her face as she say me and Noah. The rest of the party went by in a breeze as the night came to an end. "All right everybody out!" Alex said opening the front door. People grumbled and marched out the door Tracy being the last to leave. "Hey, um, Alan right?" She said to Alex brushing her hair aside. Alex looked at her for a moment before shaking his head. "Uh, it's Alex but yeah hey Tracy." He said trying to act casual. I looked over at Katie as she dug her nails into the solo cup watching Alex and Tracy. Noah stood by my side as the two talked. "So I need the notes for math later. I was wondering if you could text them to me." She said handing him a small slip of paper. Alex looked at her in surprise as she stuffed the note into his shirt pocket. "see ya later." She said before walking out the door. Alex stood in surprise for a moment before shutting the door and giving us a shocked look. "Did you guys, did you guys just see that?" He asked amazed. Noah smiled and playfully punch Alex's arm. "Dude you got her number." He said almost proud. Katie rolled her eyes as small tears came to her eyes for a second. "It was for a project though. She might like you yeah. Unless you get her a bad grade." I told him wrapping my arm around Katie. She looked at me and smiled while Alex rolled his eyes. "A phone numbers a number Eliza. Not all of us can have a Noah alright?" He said sounding annoyed. Great, try to help one person and end up hurting another. "Alrighty then. I think its time to blow this pop stand." Alex said waving bye. "Can you give me a ride home?" Noah asked him. Alex nodded his head and him and Katie went to wait in the car. Noah walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me whiling kissing the top of my head. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Noah told me. I nodded as he bent down slightly to kiss me. And this time I kissed him back. Before I knew it we became in a full on make out session. Right before Noah touched my back bringing me closer. I pulled away again even though my back didn't hurt as much and he turned red. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said embarrassed walking out the door. I threw away all of the food and stuff while moving the couch back. "Hey sweetheart how was the party?" Raula asked me. "It was fun." I replied feeling tired out of nowhere. Sabrina came up behind Raula and kissed her cheek. "Glad you had fun. Are you sure your feeling okay? You look a little pale." Sabrina said looking at me. I nodded my head and went up stairs. "I'll see you guys in the morning okay?" I told them. My moms looked at each other before letting me go to sleep. I changed out of my dress into some pink pjs and I stared at my ceiling, occasionally giggling at the mustache on Brendon Urie's face. I sighed and closed my eyes then opened them  quickly seeing Rayden's face burned into my eye lids. I closed them again and to my luck he was gone. He was my best friend. My only friend up there. And now, I won't be able to see him ever again. Tears helped me close my eyes as I drifted off to sleep.

I changed the cover and I hope you guys like this one more than the old one. Until next time Loves

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