Chapter 20: New Kid

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The room grew cold as a kid with long green hair walked in. Half of it was shaved down to a stubble dyed black while the other half was combed over barely touching his shoulders. Some girls gasped at his piercings. One on his lip, one on his lobe, and an industrial one. He was wearing a black short sleeve shirt with the Metalica logo on the front along with a pair of black combat pants and combat boots that were also black while carrying a black leather jacket over his arm. He gave a slight wave and all of the girls squealed a little. "My names Warren De Ville (De Vile), I just moved here from Iran. And before you ask, not the part where America is fighting. Also, no relation to Cruella De Vile. That's it." He ended looking over at Mr.Alexander. The teacher nodded his head and pointed towards me. "There's an open seat next to Eliza." He said. Warren looked at me and gave a small scowl walking towards me. That, just made all of the girls in my class hate me. Warren sat next to me dropping his backpack on the floor. He smelled like a lot of Axe cologne and I tried hard not to cough. "Okay class, today we'll be starting our chemical reactions project. Brittney and Alice will hand out the safety supplies and I'll had out the chemical supplies." He told us. The two girls from the front got up and grabbed some boxes which held the safety supplies. "So you just came back after a while?" Warren asked me not looking at me. He had dark brown eyes just like mine. After not getting an answer he looked at me confused. "Do you speak English?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I nodded my head feeling awkward. "Um, yeah I do. Um, yeah I was super sick for awhile." I told him. Even though I was with Noah there was something about Warren that grabbed my attention. Goggles and gloves being slammed on my desk got my attention back. "You have a boyfriend Eliza. Don't play this game. Unless you don't want him." Alice whispered in my ear. I turned and came face to face with a blonde girl with long hair and thick glasses. The other girl Brittney was darker with chocolate brown hair in a high pony tail gave Alice a smirk and a high five. Warren squinted his eyes at them and crumbled the paper in his hand. "What she give you her phone number?" I asked him. Warren hid the paper in his pocket and grumbled a yes. I rolled my eyes with a smile and Mr.Alexander told us what to do. (DISCLAIMER: I don't know what the hell I'm doing just mixing random stuffs together so if you try this and your house burns down you cant blame me. Don't try this at home.) "Mix the acetone in with the shaving cream and wait a few seconds then quickly stir in the sulfur." He instructed. Everyone got to work and I poured some of the contents of acetone into a beaker. "Do you want to mix it?" I asked handing him a mixing stick. Warren looked at the stick before plucking it from my hand. I sprayed the shaving cream then Warren mixed. Then we put on the lab coat and goggles. A few seconds later he added the sulfur and the beaker didn't do anything. I looked at others and saw that theirs was bubbling over and foaming. Even Tracy and Noah had managed to get it. Tracy hugged him for a second then pulled away making sure I noticed. "Why didn't it work?" I mumbled already not liking school. Mr.Alexander walked by and saw ours hadn't moved. "That's ok. Warren your new, and Eliza's rusty. You can try again some other day..." Mr.Alexander said then stopped when he saw the beaker move. We all watched as the beaker shook and Warren saw it before the rest of us. He tackled me to the floor as the beaker literally exploded everywhere. Shaving cream got all over the room and everyone screamed. Warren covered me and shaving creamed was all over his back. After it exploded, he got off of me. I sat up as he offered me his hand. I considered taking it before Noah lifted me up from behind. "Are you okay?" He asked me. I nodded my head as Warren put his hand down as if he didn't offer. Mr.Alexander wiped off his glasses and before he could say anything, Tracy screamed. "MY HAIR!" She yelled furious as shaving cream was everywhere. "It's shaving cream Tracy you can wash it out." I told her trying to help. She scowled at me and tried to run her hand through her hair. "It's stuck!" She yelled getting her hand caught. The class laughed as Mr.Alexander tried to calm them down. "Class calm down. Noah, please escort ms.Sanders to the nurse. Warren, Eliza, clean this up. Come on class we're going to be finishing class outside." He told us. Noah gave Warren a look before taking Tracy to the nurse. The class walked outside and Mr.Alexander handed me a mop and Warren a bucket. "When the periods over I expect this room to be clean." He told us leaving. "Nice talk teach." Warren said filling the bucket with water from the sink. "I wonder why ours delayed..." I said to myself. Warren looked at our materials setting the bucket on the floor. "I wonder if head cheerleader had anything to do with it." he said. It took me a moment to realize he was talkimg about Tracy. "Why would she have anything to do with this?" I asked lost. Warren walked over to their table and picked up a bottle of their acetone. "What are you doing?" I asked him. Warren looked over at me and picked up our bottle. Then he opened them both and held it under his nose. "What in the world do you think your doing?!" I asked him lowering his hands away from his face. "Pretty sure thats dangerous." I told him setting the bottles on the floor. "She switch ours with water and mixed the sulfur with baking soda." He told me. I squinted my eyes confused as to how he knew about the baking soda. "How did you know about the baking soda?" I asked him. Warren closed the two bottles and put them back below the cabinets. "Water and baking soda mixture makes the two explode right?" He asked me. I nodded my head and let Warren keep talking. "While sulfur and acetone also makes a foam. So when you switch the acetone for water, and mix it in with the sulfur..." He tried to get me to finish his sentence. "It explodes and foams." I finished following along. Warren nodded his head and smirked. "Not so slow after all." He told me. I rolled my eyes and dipped the mop in the bucket. "I'll do the floor and you can have the table." I told him tossing a sponge that was in the cabinet. Warren frowned at work but did it anyways. After a few moments of silence, I looked up and saw he was staring at me. "What?" I asked him. Warren shrugged his shoulders before continuing to scrub the table. I stared at him until I noticed I had already scrubbed the floor. I rung out the mop in the sink and laid it out. "You know where Smiths class is?" He asked me switching from our table to Tracy's. I looked at him for a moment before getting a familiar feeling. "I have her next. Just follow me." I told him as the bell rang. Somehow Warren still cleaned the whole table and when Mr.Alexander came back he was shocked. "We're done." Warren said before throwing the sponge in the sink. "Class isn't over yet." Mr.Alexander said as Warren grabbed his backpack and the bell rang. Warren walked out of the room and I followed him knowing that he didn't know where Ms. Smiths class was. "Where's Ms.Smiths class?" He asked me. I pointed down the hall past the fountain where other students were getting their stuff together. "Its the second one to the left." I told him. Warren gave me a small and quick smile before saying thanks. "I'll see you then." I told him.

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