Daddy's Battle

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           It was a sunny bright and chill Sunday, a perfect weather for having a sweet date with your significant other. But sweet things might not happen on them, Simon and Jay ended up gather at Simon's apartment with their each kid while their wives went to hangout since they've been working hard to taking care their kids, so there's nothing wrong to give their wives free time. It was his idea and Jay didn't agree at first.

           And now he felt uneasy but decided to enjoy his breakfast, there's nothing bad would happen. That's his way to compose himself. But their peaceful Sunday won't last long as one of the kids start wailing and Simon started to regret his decision to let his wife go on shopping date with Jay's wife,

           "Nooooooo!" Hyerin, four years old daughter of Park Jaebum a.k.a Jay Park screamed in high pitch, made Simon immediately get up from his peaceful breakfast.

            He rushed to the living room, checking what's going on there. "Why? Why? What happened?"His voice full of worry, thirty minutes ago he left Hyerin and Jungki at the living room, they were so lovable at each other. That's why he left for having breakfast at the dining room while Jay went for a while to get some snack for them.

            Hyerin turned to Simon with her cute pouty lips, "I don't want to play with him." She pointed on Jungki who sat on the couch, busy playing with his car.

            Simon stood dumbfounded, absolutely clueless what kind of mess that Jungki made. He glanced at his son before approached Hyerin, "what's going on, Hyerin-ah?" He squatted to match their height and wiped Hyerin's tears trace.

            Before Hyerin answered, Jungki butted in, "she said she won't marry me, so I crushed her doll with my car." He proudly showed his problematic red car as if it's not a big deal. Simon took a deep sigh hearing his son's argument, Jungki has a bold and cold personality just like him, that's why he didn't surprise that his son would act like that. It reminded him of how determined he was to win his wife's heart back then.

            "Daddyyyyyyy~" Hyerin wailed when Jay just came back at Simon's apartment, he immediately put the plastic bag on the floor and ran to his daughter.

           "Baby, daddy's is here! What happened?" He took his baby girl into his arms, comforting his upset daughter. Jay mouthing 'what happened' to Simon and he only shook his head.

           "Little man, explain to your father in law soon to be." Simon urged. Jungki has a genuinely love for Park Hyerin since they were baby, he basically tags along and start to pestering Hyerin wherever she goes. He always say that he will marry Hyerin when they grow up, of course the adults see it as silly childhood crush but they decided to play along with Jungki's fantasy.

           "She said she doesn't want to marry me because I'm ugly." He explained to Jay and pouted, for seven years old boy hearing his crush said those harsh words surely so upsetting and unpleasant. Moreover Jungki is easily get annoyed when something doesn't happen as he wants, just like his dad.

            Simon and Jay burst into laughter, their kids are really hilarious. Simon laughed as he knocked down himself on the play mat and rolled around, still laughing. While Jay giggled uncontrollably as he carried his little daughter.

            "Daddy!" Hyerin whined then Jay quickly tried to stop his giggle.

            "I'm sorry baby.." Jay kissed Hyerin's cheek, "Did you say Jungki is ugly?" he asked again to make sure what's Jungki said was true.

            "He's mischievous, that's why he's ugly." She replied and looked away when her eyes met Jungki's.

            Simon stopped roll around and laid on his back on the play mat, looked up at Hyerin, "Then who is more handsome, Jungki or uncle Kiseok?"

           "Uncle Kiseok." Hyerin immediately replied and stuck out her tongue to Jungki.

           "ANDWAEEE!" Jungki argued back, he get off from the couch and stood with his arms crossed in his chest, he was absolutely upset. He's handsome, mommy always says that and he refused to accept Hyerin's opinion.

           "Hey, I win against you~" Simon teased his son and Jay joined to ask his hyung to high five, these dorks really had fun.

            "Uncle Kiseok is handsome.." Hyerin nodded in agreement with her own statement, she likes Simon because Simon always spoils her since he hasn't daughter and he claims Hyerin is his daughter in law.

            "But I am more handsome than uncle Jay!" Jungki's refused to lose, his sudden proclamation made Simon cracking up, his son is unbeatable and hilarious.

            Jay couldn't believe what he just heard, "Did you just diss me—" then he turned to Simon, asking for justification, "hyung, isn't that count as dissing?"

            He's really something else.

           "But my dad is the most handsome!" Hyerin exclaimed, defending her beloved dad. She wrapped her small arms around Jay's neck and pressed her chubby cheeks on Jay's.

           "That's my baby girl!" Jay nodded proudly, he felt like he has the whole world since he succeeded to make his daughter put him as her favorite. He always be a daughter fool.

           "You said I'm handsome, Hyerin-ah~" Simon tried to persuade her.

          "My dad is the best!" Now Jungki's turn to defend his dad, actually this Jung and Park family were fighting over ridiculous thing but for them it was a pride battle between family and no one refuse to lose.

          "I raised my son really well!" Simon gave both his thumb up to Jungki, obviously proud of his son. This war should be ended by him as the winner.

          "We need to pick who's the best dad here." Jay's suggested, he put down Hyerin from his arms and started to stretch his muscle as if he prepared to fight with Simon. Hyerin, in the other hand, stepped aside and joined Jungki, cheering for her dad.

          "I won't lose, I'm the best dad!" Simon stood up and rolled his T-shirt sleeves, cast a fake punch on Jay's arm, "fight me, you tattoo ajhussi~" Simon confronted him.

          "Hyung, I'm not going to take it as a joke." Jay warned as he stretched his neck, ready to fight. The kids were busy clapping enthusiastically, this fight was more interesting than UFC match.

          "Me neither, come here you Park Jaebum." Simon motioned his index finger giving Jay sign to step closer.

          "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Jungki and Hyerin shouted together in unison, cheering on their dads. Of course it wasn't a real fight between AOMG CEOs, they are all dorks and loves to do silly thing.

          "I'm going to win!" Simon clenched his fist, his eyes showing determination.

          "I won't let it happen!" Jay remarked.

           And they're ready to throw their weapon while their kids stood by their side, feeling the tension of the dad's battle.

           "One.. two.. three—" on the word three they revealed their weapon excitedly.

           "ARGH, NOOO!!!" Jay groaned then covered his face, feeling defeated and pissed off.

           "OH, YEAHHHH~~" Simon danced happily, mocking on Jay who looked so upset.

           "You're man, hyung! You should've throw rock! Not scissors!" Jay grumbled, denying his defeat. But Simon ignored him and turned to Jungki,

           "Hey, we're win. You can marry Hyerin, now give daddy high five!"

            Well, instead of flying punch into each other, these dork dads; Simon and Jay decided to play rock-paper-scissors.   


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