Ice Cream Cheat

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            "Forget it, I don't want to talk to you."
Your lips formed into pout, making your way exit from your bedroom, but your husband quickly blocked you.

            "Baby, I'm sorry." He gave you puppy eyes, asking for your forgiveness. However, it was a joke at the beginning, he played with your camera along with your gear. You already warned him to be careful because it's your favorite, but playful and careless Simon didn't get your warn, he purposely play with your camera then something that you could predict finally happened. Your lens fell on the bed then bounced to the floor, fortunately it didn't broke but it has scratch and chipped on the edge.

             You were aware your husband, famous rapper Simon Dominic was more than capable to buy you more expensive lens than you had, he can buy you two or three. But money wasn't the problem, it's your own camera which had been used when you used to be a photographer before you retired, because you marry him and dedicate yourself for your family. Surely, it has a lot of memories behind the camera and you couldn't stay still knowing your husband scratched them.

             "No." Your voice sounded firm and cold as you gave him hint to move from your way, you didn't even bother to make eye contact with him.

             "Baby.." he held your hand and you slapped his hand to stop his movement to touch you.

            "Don't baby me." You were upset, you knew he didn't have intention to do so but still, you needed time to compromise.

            "I promise I'll buy you a new one, sorry okay?" He tilted his head down to check your expression, he tried to negotiate with you. He knew all his fault and he wanted to redeem his sin.

            "I don't want your money. Oppa, move." You gently pushed him aside so you could make your way to the kitchen. Even if you were angry, you didn't want to be harsh to your husband. There's no rude behavior between two of you even when one of you were angry, mostly bickering or simply silent treatment which dominating your fight.

            He moved aside and let you walked out from the bedroom. Simon sighed in relief, because he heard you called him oppa. It means you weren't that mad, you were just upset and he knew how to make up with you.

            You glanced at your four years old son who was busy playing with his toys in the living room when you stopped by the kitchen, pouring a glass of water for yourself then sat on the kitchen bar, observing your son. Mini Jung Kiseok was too immersed on his toys, mimicking the sound of honking car as he play with his toy cars collection.

            Just then you heard Simon's voice which feigned to sound cute and adorable, "Who wants ice cream?" He asked cutely then your son quickly responded, he ran to Simon with his toy on his hand.

           "Me! Jungki wants to eat ice cream!" Your son squealed excitedly, asking his dad to hold him.

           Simon held Jungki in one of his arms, "okay little man, what flavor do you want?" He grinned and glanced at you with his big stupid grin. So annoying.

           "Choco!" Jungki clapped gleefully, he loves ice cream and chocolate. He was absolutely Simon's and yours.

           "Then daddy will eat the vanilla one~~~" he said cutely while opened the refrigerator, taking out mini cup of chocolate ice cream for Jungki and medium size cup of vanilla ice cream for himself.

            You really wanted to cut in but you didn't, you still mad at him. However, vanilla ice cream was yours and you knew Simon was trying to get your attention by messing with you. But you were not going to provoked, so you sat still with your glass of water, watching Simon put Jungki on his high chair beside him as he sat across you.

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