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“Hahhhh, it’s frustrating, isn’t it?“ Simon sighed, looking at his nine months baby boy who was busy sucking his own thumb, looking at Simon innocently.

After few stunts and drama that his son pulled for the last thirty minutes, finally he found his peace. Jungki finally stopped crying and lying down on the soft mat for his own will, feeling exhausted after crying for only God’s know the reason why. 

You went on grocery shopping and Simon volunteered himself to take care of his adorable son. At first you against his idea and insisted to take Jungki with you, but Simon said he would be okay, Jungki already nine months old, he could sit, rolling on the mat plus you just went one block away from home. They will be fine, that’s what he thought.               

But as soon as you went out, little you knew that Jungki was throwing tantrum as if he tested his dad’s limit and capability to take care of him. And sure  it’s exhausting for Simon, he wondered how could you put up with Jungki all the time, but when he think about it, Jungki has been always calm and reserved whenever you’re around.                 

Jungki didn’t play fair. Simon pouted.                 
Jungki reached his tiny hands for Simon and Simon gladly offered his forefinger to him to hold, “We are really look alike, dude..” Simon commented, feeling so proud for creating his own mini, Jungki.               
Jungki wrapped his dad’s finger then kicked his feet in the air, looking so enthusiast.                 

"It’s more like I actually cloning you instead of having a hot moment creating you with your awesome mom–“ He shook his head, feeling ridiculous for talking about his non stop love making crave with you.
“You’re too innocent to hear that, sorry my bad.” He grinned stupidly and shook his finger in gentle way which wrapped tightly by his son. 
But then Jungki started to whine and Simon didn’t know what to do.                  
"Hey, hey, I’ll tell you when the time is right. Okay?“ He tried to negotiate with his nine months son as if Jungki understood his words.               

Jungki kept whining and started to cry, kicking his little feet in the air out of frustration.

And Simon still had no idea what Jungki’s want. He made funny faces to stop Jungki for crying but all the respond was cry and a loud whining.

He finally gave up and started to think that babysitting by his own was a really bad idea, he needed you. You were the one who could tame this little monster.              

“Daddy doesn’t even understand the meaning of your cry.” He mumbled then scooped Jungki in his arms, rocking him gently for awhile before he realized he smell something.                
Really really smelly.
More like stink..
Could it be?
“Geez, little man you pooped, didn’t you?” He pulled away to look at Jungki who innocently blinked his cute round eyes, he already stopped crying.               

“You poop monster~” Simon scrunched his nose and snuggled his face to Jungki’s tummy, making him giggle enjoying his dad silly action.             
“Alright, let’s see how much you produce the poop today~“ Simon said in a song tone and put Jungki back on thr soft mat to change his diaper.

Jungki wiggled uncomfortable but he didn’t cry, Simon started to get rid off Jungki’s evidence.
"Its more like babyshitting, not babysitting.” He commented as he took off Jungki’s diaper.              

“Look, you’re literally a baby and now you’re shitting on your diapers, baby and shitting will more look realistic. Aren’t you agree?” He asked, but not really clear to whom.               

“Mmmbwa, mamama bofphhh..” Jungki’s babbling voice came as a reply.               

“Alright, alright.. Stop complaining, I’m changing your diapers, okay? See?” Simon showed a fresh and brand new diaper in the air, shaking it slowly so his son could see it.              
“Ppapapaappa.” Jungki reacted as if he understood what’s Simon said to him. He threw his tiny fists in the air as he smiled, showing his tiny white teeth on his lower gum.                

“That’s right, I’m your appa. Your awesome dad.” Simon nodded in satisfication, still busying himself to put on the diapers.              

“Dadadada.” Jungki cutely babbled again.               

“Isn’t that english word?” Simon looked amused by the fact his son was actually talkative.
“Dadada hmpfhhhhh.”               

“Yes, it’s daddy. Dad-dy..” he pointed out to his son how to spell words daddy. As soon as the diapers changing session done he patted Jungki’s round bumps.               

“I’ll teach you everything once you bit older. Okay?”

And Jungki giggled as a respond, causing Simon grinned wider.               
“You’ll learn how to play instruments from uncle Sunghwa, learning english with uncle Jay, write a deep shit and heart shattering lyric in english with uncle Chacha, being annoying like uncle Jukyung, cute like uncle Hyukwoo and the last.. Be awesome rapper and girls’ favorite like me. Uh no- girls are trouble, lets just stay away from them as far as we could, okay?” He gave Jungki serious face while the innocent Jungki already rolled around on the mat as if he wanted to get away from his dad’s lecture.                 

The sound of key shuffling indicating that you already come home, Simon whipped his head on your direction.                 
"Is everything alright?“ You asked, watching your son rolled back and forth on the mat while your husband just sit and looked exhausted. 
"We can’t do anything without mommy, daddy is suck..” Simon let out his frustration, raising his both hands in the air, feeling defeated.

He looked at you with his puppy eyes, “Mommy please babysitting us..“

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