Unrequited Love

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"Okay, tomorrow 7 pm?" He wiggled his eyebrows, feeling excited.

"I have tons of work."

"Next day after tomorrow?" He suggested, you could see his eyes were sparkling in anticipation.

You shook your head slowly, a no.

"So it's a no?" Simon looked hurt as he stood in front of you, waiting for your answer.

You looked at his shoes which were same as yours, you bit your inner cheek, contemplating on what words you'd say. After seconds passed you looked up at him, "I'm sorry, I can't." You sighed,however you felt guilty for constantly rejecting his favor. Simon was your bestfriend and recently he sent you a lot of hint that he wanted to change the relationship between you two, though he knew you had boyfriend. 

"It's just a dinner, y/n. A friendly dinner, I just want to catch up things with you. You've been avoiding me recently and it's frustrating." he purposely emphasized the word 'friend', to make you less burdened. He didn't want to make everything between you and him crumbling after he declared his feeling, he did it just because he wanted you to know and you didn't have to return his feeling.

"I know, you're my friend. But--"

"Is it because of him?" He sounded bitter, "you're avoiding me because of him?" 

He was referring to Soohyuk, your boyfriend. Soohyuk was never fond of Simon, he hates his guts and it goes around for Simon. Both of them act civil to each other only in front of you which confusing you.

Recently your fight with Soohyuk were always about Simon, he pointed all about you and Simon, on how he would look at you when you weren't noticed, he was too kind and overprotective for a 'bestfriend' label, and you needed to stop hangout with Simon.

But you brushed it off, Soohyuk was acting like a jealous child and you just can't stop talking to Simon without reason. He was your bestfriend, far before you met Soohyuk.

You wanted to go but you didn't want to make Soohyuk mad, it was hard for you and you wished Simon would understand your situation. Shaking your head slowly, you touch his arm, "Simon, I-"

"Y/n!" Soohyuk's voice came out of nowhere, startling you.

You turned your head to the voice source, you found your boyfriend standing with scowl and his cold eyes darting straight to Simon's. Looking back at Simon, you noticed his body stiffened as he held his anger. You knew well how Simon's body reacted when he's upset.

Soohyuk walked to your direction then wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and he placed a sweet kiss on your temple, making the whole situation more awkward.

The last thing you wanted to happen was being lovey dovey with Soohyuk in front of Simon.

Not giving you chance to say a word or even bother to greeting Simon, he let out a mocking chuckle before said, "let's go, you say want to watch movie and cuddle with me."

And it made Simon's lips twitched, but thanks to your quick reaction, you turned to Soohyuk and nudged him to lead the way out so there would no fight and broken nose between these two.

"I have to go, I'll call you later." You bid goodbye to Simon, seeing his eyes held the anger, you wanted to comfort him but you couldn't safe both of them. It hurt you too for sacrificing Simon.

But once again, what can you do?


It was almost a week after last encounter between Soohyuk, Simon and you. Everything went well though Soohyuk never stop to tell you to be careful around Simon.

And there you were, meeting Simon after his recording session, he insisted to meet you at your place and asking you to come at his borthday party which would be held next week.

"It's one of my birthday wishes."


"I said it's one of my birthday wishes, spending time with you even if it only eat your stupid chocolate waffles plus that ridiculous vanilla ice cream." He let out an exasperation sigh.

"Simon, we could celebrate your birthday early.. I could throw party for you and we wil having fun." You said, sounded more like negotiating. Simon said he wanted to celebrate his birthday only if you come and join him from the start until its ended. But too bad, because you promised Soohyuk to go to meet his parents at that date, 9th March wich was also Simon's birthday.

"Then there's no point to celebrate anything, even in my birthday, my bestfriend won't come. Where's the happy in happy birthday when you're not around?" He crossed his arms in front of his chest, he was pissed but he tried his best to not act like stupid young boy, pouting and stomping his feet for example.

"I'm so sorry, you know the reason is." You almost cried, frustrating to be in this situation.

"You're going to meet his parents, are you going to marry him?" 

"No." You replied real quick, "we never discuss about that, it's too soon to talk about marriage and stuff." You explained, when the other girls would be excited talking and dreaming about their wedding, you were at the other side. Sure you're happy with Soohyuk but picturing yourself spending your life with him was never crossed in your mind, there's something that you missed but you didn't know what it was. 

"You don't love him." He mumbled, "you're doubting your feelings to him."

Simon's words caught you. 

You were battling with yourself, wondering the truth of your feelings. Was it love? Were you ever feel the spark and excitement whenever Soohyuk touches you?

Simon touched your hands, it felt warm and his touch sent multiple feelings to you. He held your hands and pulled you closer, touching your cheek, he lifted your face to meet his.

"Do you love him?" His voice sounded so gentle and there was no anger in it.

You stayed silent, nothing came out from your mouth. You looked at his eyes deeply which the more you looked at them, the deeper you drowned at his eyes. Simon has round eyes and they're beautiful, his eyes were the most expressive, whenever he's sad, angry, happy, all showed from his eyes.

"You know, sometimes what you think it's good and makes you happy it's actually not what you deserve. Sometimes you have to go deeper, ask to your heart to know the answer."

His words were true, maybe Soohyuk was what you want but he might not the one that you needed. 

His thumb caressed your hand in soothing way, you didn't know how he do it but it felt good and you liked being touched by him.

"If it's up to me, I don't give a damn to him and I'll do anything to make you mine. But this is you, I give you my heart and I wish you'll keep it, but if you didn't want it then let me know where I stand.."

"Simon, I--" your voice cracked, you never felt unsure of your feeling before and his words were like reminder to you.

He shook his head slowly and smiled, pitting his forefinger on your lips, "I don't want the answer right now, you can think about it. If it's me that you want, you know where I am on my birthday."

And after that you felt his lips touched your left cheek softly, he put on more seconds as if he wanted you to feel his lips against your soft cheek longer.

"You'll come to me, won't you?"

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