Marry Christmas

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What takes you so long?

I could see his facial expression through his text, two jet black upward eyebrows pulled to the middle, his round eyes glaring in annoyance at the phone, impatiently. Typical Simon Dominic, or my lovely boyfriend; Jung Kiseok.

I'm still at office, can't escape. It hasn't 5 pm yet.

I typed patiently, knowing that if I get affected by his attitude, this exchanging message soon turning into exchanging glare and words war. And both of us being rock head, the fight could go for days.

Few seconds later, another message came in.

Who the fuck is working in Christmas Eve?

I shook my head in disapproval in his choice of language. Actually today is my last day to work in December, because on Christmas day until 10th of January next year I have my day off which we will spend in Japan for vacation.

Obviously me.

I hit the send button and he's typing another come back.

Geez, do you need a help to print out your resignation letter?

Rolling my eyes as response, even though he couldn't see me. I knew he was enjoying himself for pushing me on this sensitive matters.

We both already talk about this over and over.

How he hates to see me working almost everyday, staying at office for extra hours sometimes. While he can work whenever he wants to, the differences between us usually make him trying to fix things which lead to control my life. 

Such as..

You don't need to work.
I can provide for both of us.
You work for shit company.

And the list could goes on and on.

This shit need to stop, babe.

I could hear his 'told you so' tone in his text, but I didn't want to give in easily. 

You don't need to be an ass.

I typed, short and clear. Sending my message straight to the point, letting him know that I'm actually pissed.

Sorry, just missing you. It's suck.

There was my Kiseok, from being sassy then lovey dovey within seconds. He scheduled to go back home tonight, after long travelling for his world tour. And being clingy, control freak but lovable himself, he wanted everything go on his command.

He wanted a date night, which absolutely I wanted it too. But it hasn't even 7 pm as we planned to go, yet he already demand me to come around.

I miss you too.

I wonder whose heart won't melt when your boyfriend said he miss you?

Of course you do.

Kiseok and his full confidence were inseparable.

Whatever, I'm still working. Talk to you later 🖤

The sooner I get it done, the better.

Babe, I'm horny.

I almost choked, reading his reply. It made me blush but I knew him better, he did it on purpose to gain my attention. But I'm not buying his joke today, I need to finish my paper so I can see him on time.

"y/n, I'll go home first. Are you okay being alone?" my office mate asked.

"I still need to do this." I gestured at pile of papers on my desk, "need to sort this before holiday."

"Gosh, you're unbelievable. You can finish it after holiday, don't be hard on yourself." She scolded me, I knew that's because she cares.

"I wish I could, but I don't think I can enjoy the holiday if I didn't finish it." I had no choice, I hate being on holiday while leaving so many works to do.

"You, poor thing." She smiled apologetically, "it's only you left in the office, everyone already leaving." She added, still waiting for me to change my mind.

"Yeah, I'll finish in 30 minutes I guess." How I wish it was only 30 minutes left.

"Okay, bye y/n! Be careful!" She waved before storm out from office.

The atmosphere became so quiet suddenly as I realized I was really alone in the office.

Back on my papers and mac, I drowned myself into work for maybe more than thirty minutes, because I could feel uninvited back pain. I leaned back on my seat while checking what time it was, I was right.. it's almost an hour and my work hasn't been done.

Maybe I really need to go home and cuddle with my boyfriend? Guilty feeling creep on me, leaving Kisoek's messages on read, abandoning him for my work.

I sighed in defeated, I need to go home and apologize to him. But when I started to clean up my things and shutdown my mac, the electricity went off out of the blue.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Did someone plan to kill me? In serial thriller, every murder usually start from electricity went off, murderer with scary mask appears while bringing out a knife.

I'm done.

I'm sorry, baby. I think I'm going to die this night.

The urge to make note to Kiseok and my family to tell them I love them was so strong, I need to make the note before I got killed but I was too scared to move even it's just an inch.

God, please save me. I beg you.. please.
Never ever in my life I prayed desperately like this.

I heard footsteps getting closer and closer to where I was.

Is this time?

I cried silently, trying my best to not making any sounds. But the scary footsteps won't stop until it reached me cubicle, making thud sound as those thick shoes bumped into my desk's leg.

Goodbye, mom and dad.

Just then, the light went on and I could hear familiar chuckle.

"What's with that face, baby?"

When I opened my eyes and looked up, there's Kiseok with his diabetic smile, grinning at me. But now words came out from me.

My mind still processing how come he suddenly here? And what for?

He walked passed my cubicle then kneeled down in front of me who still confused on my seat.

"You really need to stop watching serial killer.." he shook his head the cupped my face, "look how pale my baby, poor you.."

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice cracked due too over dramatic imaginary scene that I created several minutes ago.

He smiled as his hands move to hold my hands and squeezed them gently, "Hmm, let's say it's a suprise Cristmas eve visit?"

"I miss you, you chose work over me." He pouted, then leaned in to give me sweet kiss on the lips which I eagerly to return back in same energy.

We were so busy eating each other face until I heard someone faking a cough, and it's my dad.

"What---" I couldn't pull any words, it's confusing and overwhelming. First it's Kiseok's visit and now not only my dad, but my mom, my friends were also there. They all smiling and I don't know why.

"Right, sorry dad." Kiseok chuckled and gave my Dad thumb up before he looked at me.

"What is happening?" I asked.

He didn't say anything but pulling out small box from his pocket and showed me a beautiful ring.

Is he going--

"Merry Christmas, love.. marry me?" He said his spell, leaving my jaw dropped.

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