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Rakim's p.o.v

As soon as she left I knew I fucked up. I guess this girls was starting to really like me and I have to admit I was starting to like her too.

"Shit!" I shout as I sit down on the couch

"What's wrong daddy?" Yakina comes and sits on my lap

"Get off of me" I say annoyed

She gives me a dirty look

"Fine i didn't like you anyway" she said grabbing her stuff walking out still half naked

I lie down on the couch and took a short nap I woke up to the door knocking. I opened the door and I couldn't belive who it was. It was my parents.

"Um what are you doing here?" I ask confused

"Hey darling how are you ?" My mom says

They walk in with a suitcase and I'm just so confuesed.

Se the thing about my parents is I never really got along with them. I would rarely see them because the were 'busy' all the time and now them showing up is a big surprise because I haven't seen them in four years and the only time I talked to my mom was when Milan was born.

"So wheres your daughter?" My dad asked

I gave him a dirt look. This nigga don't even ask me how I've been he just here to see my daughter.

"She's at... daycare" I didn't want them to think my life was fucked up and that I wasnt together with my baby momma.

"So where's your girlfriend"
My dad asked

"Actually fiance she's at work her name is Magy" why the fuck I my doing this 

"Well we'd love to meet her and your daughter" my mom says smiling.

Shit Magy's gonna be super pissed .

Magy's p.o.v
"I thought we had i thing" I told Ashley as i lied down on her lap.

"Com'n Magy you've known the dude for like three days you can't expect him to be dedicated just to you"
She explains

"Your right maybe we should just be friends for now and we'll see how things go from there"

I hear my phone ringing i pick it up and it's Rakim i roll my eyes but i answer anyway.

"Hey" i say

"Hey was up your not mad at me are you?"

"No why would I? Any way why'd you call?"

"I was wondering if you could be my fiance."


"Not for real just for a couple of days my parents are in town and they wanna meet my fiance but i ain't got no girl"

"Why don't you just ask that girl that called you daddy?
you guys seemed pretty tight"

"No please i need you i told them her name was Magy"

"Well then you'll just need to find someone else with that name" said annoyed

"Magy pl-"

I hung up because I wasn't bout to do that shit .

"So what did he say?" Ashley asks me

"This nigga wants me to pretend to be his fiance for his parents"

"You should do it"

I looked at her confused


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