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We arrived to the gallery and we entered. It was starting to get dark so i couldn't see that well in there. He turned on the lights and i saw i lot of painting and drawings everywhere.

"Wow" i said looking at all the work.

"Mine are back here" he said.

He walked further into the gallery and it just got bigger and bigger. We stopped.

"This whole wall is all my stuff" he said.

I look at all the paintings they were amazing. They were all over the place. Some were abstract some where colorful some were dull. It was beautiful. One caught my eye tho. It was a drawing of a little girl. She looked like 8 years of age. She was holding her hands out and ingraved in her hands it said "12/25/14" and she had angel wings. It was amazing and probably the biggest one on the wall.

"I like this one" i said bluntly.

"Me to" he said.

"It took me hours to make it. Its probably the piece that means the most to me."


"That little girl is my little sister. She was 9 years old and it was chrismas day. My family had a party late at night. There was alot of alcohol."

He took a deep breath and stared at the painting.

"My uncles decided that it would be a good idea to bring guns. So they all started shooting around while they were drunk. I got all nosey and i wanted to shoot to but i didnt realize that my sister followed me. My uncle started shooting everywhere and he managed to shoot me in the leg but he shot my sister in the stomach"

I stood there quietly. I didnt know what to say.

"I'm sorry" i said.

"We arrived at the hospital and i was in so much pain i wasn't even thinking about my sister. After i felt better it was to late she was gone." His voice cracked i bit and he looked down wiping his tears.

"Its all my fualt" he said

I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his waist and laying head on his chest. He slowly hugged me back.

"It wasn't you fault ok. You wouldn't of known that it would happen."

He sniffled i bit then let go and walked away to the exit not letting me see his face. I followed him and i stopped because i saw photography. It was gorgeous. I guess that was a sign i should sell photography.
I walked to the exit and Trevor was standing there. I walked out and he turned off th lights and locked the door. I got in the car and so did he. He told his address and after that it was queit.

We finally arrived to his house.

"Thank you" i said

He chuckled and smiled a bit.

"For what?"

"I dont know. Believing in me and sharing your personal stories even tho you barely know me."

He smiled.

"Well i would love to get to know you more now that you now a bit about about me" he said.
"How bout you give me your phone and i'll put in my number and we can talk" he smiled.

I chuckled and i unlocked my phone and i gave it to him. He put in his number then gave me my phone back.

"Bye" he said getting out of the car.

I rolled down my window. "Bye Trevor!" I said.

"text me!" He shouted entering his house. I laughed and i drove off.

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