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Hoi peeps, ya girl cass here, does anyone else just casually play the 'swamp remix' from shrek! It's my meme song.



Cold water freezes my shoulders. If you're going to take a shower at least make the water warm, because if it's cold you might as well freeze me and save me till the year 3000. It's quiet in the shower room, and the air is getting sticky.

I walk out of the shower with my towel wrapped around my waist. The mirror is foggy, there's no point in fixing it since I can't physically wipe it away. So I just stand there, staring off into space for a good amount of time. I want to smash it to be reckless, just because.

Why can't the world just invent some pill that I take once to cure me? I wouldn't have to be here. Other people like me wouldn't have to be here, things would just be easier. In fact, for everyone. No fear of falling apart, no fear of my own fucking self.

I rinse my hands in water and run them through my hair. I put back in my gauges and reach for my clothes. Then the door opens, shoot. I look up to see Mike, once again.

I look at him curiously waiting for him to notice me. I have the bathrobe wrapped around my waist and my clothes in my hand. My hair dripping on the ground. Annoying me to no end as it slides across my skin, ice cold.

I watch him as he takes out two straws from the pocket of his sweats. He starts drumming away, on the walls, losing himself. Tapping to a song I've never heard before I got into this place. Not even on the radio, though it could also be a really old song that I haven't heard yet.

Well, what are you waiting for? Get out of the room shit bag.

I grab my stuff and change in a corner quietly so he doesn't notice, he looks enjoyed with him. Tapping away at the wall.

I slip past him and quickly push open the door and slip out just as I hear my name. "Tony?" He calls through the closing door. My heart pumping hard as I walk down the bleached halls. Make believe, being clean.


The Rec room is quiet. Me and one other person is in here. Posters of the workers here on the walls and inspirational posters too. Like a picture of a cat dangling from a rope with the words 'hang in there' above it mean anything to me.

"Mr. Perry" a man in a suit and tie says to me. I stare at him questionably. I look over to him with my eye lids half open.


"Come with me, we have some talking to do" He says, then just turns around and heads to his office, which I assume. I walk behind him as he scurries down the hall, taking very small steps but moving fast. Weird.

He opens the door to his office and tells me to sit. His room has tanned wood, my eyes are pleased not to see another damn white thing. Color just fills my eyes at once, wanting to puke. Pictures framed on his wall of his certificates of being a physiologist, and certificates from helping people. His college degrees, blinding me.

"So, Tony how are you?" He folded his hands and gave me a concerned look.

"I'm alright?" I asked more than said.

He furrowed his eyebrows and glanced up and down, as if he was "reading" me.

"I'm sorry sir, but what am I in here?" I asked as kindly as possible.

"Well, we are here to discuss your schizophrenia." I gave him a confused glare. Schizophrenia? I'm not schizophrenic, they must have the wrong patient.

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