All or Nothing

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woah my andy leo this hit 1k I'm so proud. anyways, enjoy the chapter children.


Kellin's POV

Everyone in the rec room seemed to be at breaking point almost. We're all gathered up in the room because the doctors have to talk to us about what had happened with Oliver. It's kind of scary to think someone in this room with be malevolent enough to actually drug someone and almost lead them to death. How would someone even get drugs in the first place? Besides our medicine of course..But we're in a mental hospital for fucks sake. I swear this place is so dangerous. How are we supposed to get better if we don't even feel safe here?

"Good afternoon everyone!" I sighed and turned my attention to the speaker who just so happened to be that perky red head who let me out of the ICU early. Nurse Danielle I believe her name was?

"We gather all of you here today to go over what had happened to Oliver and the new safety rules along with Wing B's new schedule." The nurse paused to take a look at the crowd and then continued. "Now, as many of you may know, a patient in this wing drugged Oliver. We believe someone had intentionally switched his medicine because we found a bottle of Ritalin by his bed which isn't his usual medicine. I hate to say this but Oli has fallen into a drug induced coma.." everyone's jaw dropped in shock, including my own. I heard Vic gasp beside me.

"And he has a very slight chance of coming out of the coma.." She finished. The room was dead silent.  "I know this may be difficult for some of you to hear but I can not stress enough that you can't let this affect your healing process. You all have come to far to let this get to you. Now, we will have our basic schedule but it's going to be switched up a little."

"The morning routine will always remain the same. Patients are to go to the showers every morning at 9 and then to the cafeteria afterwards. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings you will meet with your assigned counselor and then go straight to the rec room. The bathroom, hallways and rooms will be guarded heavily from now on. Patients will not be allowed in their rooms for the course of the unless stated otherwise. Circle group will now be held in room 240 on the second floor. Visiting days will remain on Saturdays and now Thursday's starting next week." She finished off her speech and started to walk away but she turned around suddenly and jogged back to the podium.

"Also any patient seen lurking around the hospital or leaving will be sent straight to Doctor Williams with a possible extension of stay. You are all dismissed." Dani looked straight at Vic and I making me blush and cower in my seat.

"Well we can't do that any more can we?" Vic chuckled awkwardly and shot me a glance.

"Says who." I smirked. I stared a Vic for a moment or two just to appreciate him. The way his hair is wavy but curls up at the end, the way his nose ring glimmers if he turns his head a certain way. It's mesmerizing how the mind can trick someone into caring for another more than ones self.

I snapped out of my haze only to see him intensely staring at me also. His eyes sparkled slightly giving me a fuzzy feeling in my chest. I blushed slightly and coughed to catch his attention. He look away from me and frowned.  The sparkle vanished and was replace with the dullness that everyone was familiar with.

"Vic?" He ignored me and began walking away.

"Don't you walk away from me." I sassed causing him to walk faster. Goddamnit Kellin.

"Vic. Vic! Dude." I called after him and started to jog his way. God, he's a fast walker.

"What's wrong?" I said breathily once I caught up to him.

"Nothing Kellin."

"Or lie to me. That's alright too."

"Look you wouldn't understand." He sighed and stoped to let me catch up.

"What do you mean?" I asked, still trying to catch my breath.

"It's I can't explain." He stuttered and groaned angrily.

"Did I do something.." I asked cautiously.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?!" I asked rhetorically raising my voice slightly.

"It's means I don't know." He said raising his voice higher than I did.

"Are you like mad at me or something?"


"Then what's going on? Don't shut me out, Vic. You're basically my best friend."

"If I knew what was going on doing you think I'd tell you?"

"I mean I would hope so."

"I gotta go." He sighed and starting walking to God knows where. I groaned and punched the nearest wall.

"Fuck." I whispered at my bruising knuckles.

"Woah dude are you okay?" someone asked making jump. I turned around and saw Alan standing behind me with his hands held up in defense.

"Oh um yeah..just stressed." I sighed and slumped down to the floor.

"Yeah that argument sounded pretty intense." He said and sat down next to me.

"You heard all of that?"

"Yep. I say just give him a break. He'll cool down eventually."

"I know, I just feel like it's my fault that he's upset." I sighed.

"Well, have you done anything to him recently?" He asked.

"Not that I can think of."

"Then it's probably not your fault."

I bit my lip and nodded, "Yeah I guess."

"I gotta go get my stuff from Dr. McKinnon. It was nice seeing you Kell."

"Wait are you leaving?"

"Yeah! You didn't know?"

"No, oh my god. I'm gonna miss you." I stood up to hug him.

"Yeah I'll miss you too. Get better alright." I nodded and gave him one last hug before he walked away. I slumped back down to the floor and started thinking.

What if I hurt Vic or something? He probably hates me know. I wouldn't be surprised honestly. Usually people end up hating me, that's how it's been since I was a kid.

You know, this place really isn't making me feel any better. It's basically driving me insane.

"Kellin?" I swear to God if I heard my name one more time. I looked up to see Dr. Williams standing a few frets away from me.

"I'm gonna need you to come with me." She said with a stern face.


Well hello children, long time no see.

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