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I was suppose to publish this chapter on Sunday, but my cousin lost my iPad until I found it yesterday in their room. It was dead... *sigh* anyways enjoy the chapter!!

Also, thanks to a good friend and editor: SylphOfAnime go follow her guys and check out her books!

"Looks like we already have our first few target! The previous kyuubi container, Namikaze Kushina, the wife of the Uchiha Head, Uchiha Mikoto and the weakling brat, next head of the Haruno clan, Haruno Sakura! She will be the one with the most chakra inside her!" My men cheered and roared. "We will be the world strongest rogues ever seen!" They cheered. I smirked.

Sakura's POV
I woke up and my eyes snapped opened. I reached under the pillows for my kunai and pulled it out. There was an unfamiliar chakra lingering around. My eyes narrowed to the windows and my balcony door before smirking, someone was trying to come in. Itachi had woken up the minute I grabbed my kunai. I glanced at his and watched as his sharingan span into the mangekyo sharingan. It glared around the room. "No one." I nodded.

"Someone was trying to get in.....again." I sighed. It was already the second time this week. The chakra wasn't from anywhere in the village. It was a rogue that broke through the barrier. No, there must of been multiple of them, the barrier would only opened for a few seconds after a rogue is killed by it. I needed to make the barrier stronger.

The barrier that my parents had created had recognised any familiar chakras that my brother and I felt since we are they children by blood. Not long ago, I found out the jutsu they used and created a place underground to make the barrier stronger with chakra. The only way there was my room. There is a teleportation seal that requires intense chakra control and the head of the Haruno's blood.

"Itachi, I need your help in a little, I'm going to make the barrier stronger." He understood and nodded. Nii-chan had told him a few months back when I went missing since I passed out from the lack of chakra in my body. I had only woken up in an exhausted state and stayed in my room for a few more days. Even the 100 Healing Mark could contain just enough chakra to help with the barrier.

We stood in the middle of my room and I lifted my hands up. Activating the seal, we were teleported into a dim room with a big talisman in the middle. The talisman had the Haruno clan symbol on it, along with curved, gorgeous designs of flowers around it. Standing up near the talisman, I bit a finger and let a drop of my blood drip onto the talisman. It glowed and shone brightly. Then I activated my 100 Healing Mark seal, and placed my hands on the talisman. Pouring chakra into it, I started breathing heavily. I needed to get my chakra storage bigger. As I started to pour the persevered chakra from the seal, I felt it wear off and I started to get dizzy.

The minute I almost poured all my chakra on, it zapped, and lighting hit the talisman. The pressure hit me and I flew back into the dim room and Itachi caught me. I breathed heavily and closed my eyes.

'Rest outer, I'll help our body this time.'

I just nodded. My inner personality was fully rested and would be able to fix our chakra levels.

I sighed and darkness took over me.

Itachi's POV
I caught Sakura as she fainted from the lack of chakra in her body. It was only a couple minutes after I caught her until she woke up. She thanked me and stood up properly. This wasn't Sakura, she seems a bit dazed. "Who are you?" I asked her. She looked at her hands before me. "I am inner Sakura. A split personality if you want to call it, but I come out when the normal Sakura is exhausted, I couldn't come out last time since I was too weak after the fight from the rouges." She explained to me. My eyes widened. Is this how she can get out of that many genjutsu so quickly? She wobbled slightly as she took a few steps forwards before she stopped.

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