Chapter 12

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Your p.o.v

I woke up with a start, scared of my reoccurring nightmare. It's been going on the past week since my mother had "visited". I looked around and realized Foxy was in my room, sitting on a chair and fast asleep. 

I smiled a little, before heading over and poking him. He woke up startled, jumping and falling out of his chair. I laughed at the site, unable to stop for quite a bit, until he picked me up. He threw me over his shoulder while I tried to escape, but to no avail. I sighed and let him carry me. When he set me down, I was in a chair in some unknown room. In fact, it didn't even look like it was a part of the pizzeria. "Foxy, where are we?" I asked. 

But I realized he was gone. He had left while I was observing the room. That JERK! I tried to get up, barely moving when something went over my wrists quickly. Straps? What the hell?!? I tried to get loose, but the straps wouldn't budge. I was stuck there. Alone. In a dark room with only one light....


I looked around a bit more. The chair was bolted to the floor. Danget. I noticed there was a button on the side of my chair. Maybe that will make the straps disappear! I tried reaching it with my hand. Barely missed it. 

Suddenly I heard a noise. It sounded like a chainsaw! I tried using my head and hit the button with my tongue, barely reaching it. I got up quickly and ran around in the darkness, going along the wall to find a door. The sound was definitely getting closer. 

I found a door knob and tried opening it. It was locked. I grabbed a bobby pin out of my hair and tried pick-locking it, getting it just right and hearing a click sound. I left the room and locked the door again behind me to see Foxy with a grin and arms crossed. 

" Good job lass, I wasn't sure if you'd make it." he said. 

"wh-wha?" is all I could muster to say. 

" That was a test. And you passed" I heard a deep voice say behind me. I looked back to see Toy Freddy. 

" o-oh. Then did I win something?" I asked. 

Toy Freddy shook his head and rolled his eyes before saying " Only a one way ticket to pain-ville" and with that he punched me right in the stomach. Foxy's eyes widened and he ran in front me. 

"Toy Freddy this is not what you promised." Foxy said. Foxy and Toy Freddy started arguing while I went to the bathroom. I moved my shirt enough to see where Toy Freddy had hit was already bruising up. Perfect

Updated 10/31/17

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