chapter 5

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~Carter POV~

I drove home and got ready for dinner .

I wore plain white T shirt and some white straight legged skinny jeans and my Magcon hoodie and a new white snapback .

My mother was dressed very formal .

Ready Carter ?? , my mom asked .

Yeah . I said .

We walked to the next door and the house was quite nice , not like a masion but really nice .

My mom rang the doorbelle and the door was instantly opened .

Hi come in ! , said the dad .

I wonder if the girl was hot .

Might as well find out .

I walk in taking my shoes off and saw the girl .

You . Have . Got . To . Be . Kidding . Me .

I guess she was shocked as I am cuz she didn't say anything ether .

We all got invited to the dinner table and I can see she didn't like me .

Everyone sat down except her . I can see . The only seat left was the one next to me .

Honey aren't you going to sit down ? , asked her mother .

She nodded lightly and sat down next to me .

I decided to glanced at her to see her much closer since she was pretty much wearing a hoodie the whole time at the mall .

Let's introduce each other ! , said one of the parents .

Im Sarah Lee and my husband is Dean Lee , said her mother .

Im Maggie Renyolds ( I don't know Carter's mom name soo ) . My husband can't come so sorry .

Its ok , said Her mom

Would you like to introduce yourself ? my mom asked .

My my my -- the names Carter , I said trying not to studder .

Mom I'm going to use the restroom you guys can eat first , she said and walked off .

Well lets eat ! , said the mom .

Everyone put the beef and vegatables in and waited for it to come to a boil .

We use chopsticks to pick up the food and we ate . I was pretty good .

Then she came back and sat down not saying a word .

I decided to try to make it up to her by getting her some of the food and putting it in her bowl .

Then I accidently bumped her arm and she dropped her chopsticks on the floor .

She seem like to taking a deep breath and calms herself down .

I been down and try to help her pick up her chopsticks but I bumped my head with heads ! . She seem angry .

Let me get them . , she said .

No !!! , I want get them for you , I said to her .

I grabbed her chopsticks instead of her and she almost grabbed them then she fell out of her chair !

Ok I'm done , She said .

Sweetie are you alright ? , asked my mother to her .

Yes I'm fine dont worry about it , she said giving my mom an innocent smile .

She looked at me and glared at me . I glared back at her .

I was just trying to help her and this is what I get . Wow . If only she knew that I was freaking famous .

Honey are you alright , asked her mother .

Yes I'm fine no worries , she said with a gentle voice and eats some beef with noodles

What a fake , I thought to myself .

Carter are you alright ? , asked her mother .

Yes I'm fine , I said to her . The annoyed girl glares at me .

I decided to annoyed her .

My your daughter is finely dressed for this dinner if I have to say so , I said .

She gagged on her broth while my mother had a suprised looked on her face .

Honey aren't you going to say anything ? , her mother asked her .

Yes um thanks for checking me out , she said .

The color you picked out brights up your eyes . I said

Because I'm wearing mascara , she shotted back smiling .

Which makes your face look like a model , I shotted back .

Who's the model ? , she said .

Is it you ? , she asked acting suprised .

Yes but what about you ? , I said sipping the broth .

Me ? , I'm just a monster , she said .

Are you mythical ?? , I asked her .

Yes , she repiled .

Are you the mermaid ? , waiting to find a pearl that saids your beautiful ?? , he said .

No I'm the hairy bigfoot , she said .

No you aren't , I said .

Yes I am , she said .

Prove it , I said

Fine come to my room then , she said .

And I shall , I said .

Mom can I be excuse ? , she asked politely .

Erm yes honey be nice , she said to her .

Yes Carter be nice too , my mom said .

She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into her room , which was pretty nice .

So where's the hairy bigfoot ?, I joked with her .

Stop acting , she said and she crossed her arms .

All I see is a butterfly , he said .

That flew into a driving car and got smashed into the windshield and broke its wings . she said .

Ok stop acting so negative !!! , I said to her .

Why should I not Carter !!! You spilled chocolate all over me !!! At the mall !!! , basicy humiliating me !!!! , she said .

I didn't do it on purpose !!!! , I said back to her .

I saw !! , she said .

You saw wrong !!! , I yelled at her .

I saw everything !! , she said .

You just like being Ms . Right don't you , I said

You started it !!! , she said

Why didn't you even stop me when I asked to hang out !!! , I said

Because !!! , she said .

Why do you hate me so much !!!! , I said

Because what ?!?!?! , I said .

Because , was what she said .

>author note <

Heyy !! So Carter and Nallie got into a fight !!! , I got really bored and made a fight about them saying how hot they were to each other haah wuv you guys. OMG Matthew is on twitter again !!! OMG I'm so happy !!!! So Carter and Sydney 😏.... Alway wuv my kitty readers !

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