Chapter 26-Tara is back :)

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  • Dedicated to Josh Hutcherson

Jess's pov

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I opened my eyes and didn't know where I was, but then I remembered that I was in my own bedroom again. It felt so weird seeing it for the first time in over 2 weeks. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes to get a better view. I smiled to myself knowing I was home and Justin was downstairs making those pancakes for me. My mom is coming home from work today and it will be the first time I have seen her in ages. I can't physically wait. I got out of bed and got dressed then walked downstairs.

I found Justin placing two plates of pancakes on the table. One for me and one for him. I smiled and sat down. 'hey' i said. He looked at me and smiled 'good morning sleeping beauty' he said laughing. I looked at the clock on the wall and it was noon. I was so tired yesterday I had slept the whole day and night and most of today. I grinned and picked up my knife and fork and began to eat the pancakes. 'you want to talk?' Justin asked me. I knew he didn't mean a normal conversation. He meant about what happened on the holiday and all the stuff that needs to be sorted out. I sighed then nodded, putting my fork back down on the table and looking at him. We stared at each other not knowing who should talk first or what we would start it off with. 

'Justin I'm so sorry for not believing you I was so stupid, I believe all the lies and not you' I started off.

'I really wish you would have trust in me, Jess' he said sadly. 'I do trust you Justin' I told him 'I really do' he frowned, not quite believing me. Why is everything so complicated? I wish we could just forget everything and be happily in love again. But no, this is real life, Jess. I remind myself. Nothing is easy.

I begin to speak to Justin, when the door slams open, causing me and Justin to jump. 'HELLO LOVERS, HOW WAS YOUR ROMANTIC HOLIDAY TOGETHER?' Tara bursts through the door, a huge smile planted across her face. Totally ignoring her question, I jump up, out of my seat and greet Tara with a friendly hug. 'TARA!' I squeal with happiness. 

'I missed you too' she laughed. I didn't need to say it, but she knew I missed her with the lovely greeting she was given. I laugh along with her and then she say 'hey' to Justin. We walk into the living room and take a seat on the sofa. 'So...?' Tara asks. I look at her, confused, and the look on Justin's face meant he was confused too. 'How was it? Tell me everything' she says. I realise she is talking about the holiday. 'It was...' I begin, should I tell her the truth, in front of Justin. I lie and say how fantastic it was and how much 'fun' we had. 'great' Justin finished my sentence off. I looked at him and he just wrapped his arm around me and acted as though everything was ok and we were all in love. But the sad thing was. At this very moment. We weren't.

Just going to end it there... Sorry i haven't updated for a loooonnngg time, I've been really busy and haven't had time but the next chapter should be sooner. :)

BTW, have you seen the hunger games yet? You should go see it, its A-MAYZINGG! lol -_- 

okay, bye thanks <3 SORRY ITS SHORT. It looks longer when I'm typing it than when it's actually posted so i'm guessing it's really short -_- 

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