Chapter 9- We're gonna be late!

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*Justin's p.o.v*

'Jess get up, we need to go now!' i shouted up the stairs to her.

It was 10:30am and we needed to leave by 12:00. i couldn't wait for her to see what we were doing for her surprise. i really hope she likes it, well I know she will. I've been her best friend since diapers, i think I should now by now what and where her favourite places and favourite things to do are. It was quite hard picking what to do because she likes a lot of things. But i finally chose one and i'm happy with what i chose because it was the best idea out of them all and I'm going to enjoy it so much too as well as jess. Well, I enjoy every part of the day when I'm with her. She is my everything and I'm not just saying that. I really, really love her with all my heart and I know it's only been a month that we've been together but I hope i can spend the rest of my life with her. she makes me happy.

She grunted really loud and I rolled my eyes at her whilst walking up the stairs to get her out of bed.

'Come on Jess, you have to get ready. we're leaving in like an hour or something.' I walked into her bedroom. The covers were pulled right up to the top of her neck and her face was hidden into the pillow only allowing me to be able to see he shiny, chestnut brown hair. 

'i'm tired though...5 more minutes?' she asked lifting her head out of the pillow and looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

'nope' I popped the 'p' "thats not gonna work with me. not today. We have a busy day ahead of us."

She grunted again and let her head fall back into the pillow. She rolled herself over so she was now lying on her back and she pulled the covers over her face.

Right. Thats it! i thought.

I walked over to her bed and lifted the covers off the whole bed and threw them onto the floor. She automatically curled up into a ball and started shivering.

'what did you do that for? it's freezing!' she said. She was wearing pajarma shorts with a vest top.

'you should wear warmer parjarmas then!' I replied to her.

'please pass me the covers back?' she said asking pleadingly.

I shook my head at her 'uh-uh'

she frowned at me. I walked over to the side of the bed and climbed onto the bare bed that was now starting to get cold and i lay down beside her, we were both on our sides, looking at each other. My head was resting on my arm and her arms were under her pillow. She smiled at me. I lay beside her for a minute or two.

'get up now?' I asked her.

She shook her head.' I'd prefer to do this all day.'

'so you don't want your surprise?' I asked her, looking at her sad.

'gosh is that today?' she asked growing a big smile on her face.

'uh-huh' I said smiling.

'but still...5 minutes...and thats it? i will get up and get ready so so fast.' she asked.

'no! you're not having 5 more minutes. I've already let you lie in long enough and gosh I'm starting to sound like i'm your mother.'

she started laughing at me. then closed her eyes. Theres just no winning with this girl.

She rolled onto her back keeping her eyes closed so I lifted my head up off the pillow and sat up quietly so she couldn't hear me. i crawled on top of her and put my hands at either side of her face. Our faces were inches apart and I could feel her breath on my face. Her eyes opened and she smiled at me. I moved part of her hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. I couldn't get over how beautiful she was even when she had just woken up. How can one human being get all of that stuff? Shes beautiful, inside and out. She has an amazing personality, shes the sweetest girl ive ever met. She has a good sense of humour which every guy has to love, who doesn't love a funny girl?

We stared into each others eyes fore seconds that felt like forever. But an amazing forever. 

She ran her hands through my hair and pulled my face down closer to hers. She closed her eyes, still pulling my face closer to hers...

I rolled off her and her eyes opened and she stared at me in shock, watching me climb off her bed. i winked at her with a smirk on my face.

'wha-what are you doing? you can't do that...THATS NOT FAIR! at all!'

I laughed at her and walked to her wardrobe 'you'll get a kiss as soon as you're ready' i told her pointing to her wardrobe full of her clothes.

She pouted at me and sat up folding her arms.

She sighed after a few seconds. 'fine' she finally said.

She got up out of bed and went into the bathroom to have a shower and everything else girls do to make them selves look more pretty. even though Jess doesn't need make up and she looks much better without it on. I grabbed a bag from her closet and walked back to her wardrobe to pack it for her. i had to be fast because she would see me and she will want me to explain what I was doing putting her clothes into a bag and then there will be no more surprise.

i got a bunch of clothes that she would need and put them in the bag. I got more stuff that she would need and put them in. i walked over to the bathroom.

'babe? Can i come in?' I asked Jess knocking on the door.

'I'm in the shower!' she shouted back amongst the water coming from the shower.

'I won't look, i promise. i just need to get something.' I shouted back through to her.

'alright, you can come in' she answered still shouting.

I opened the door and walked over to the cupboard underneath the sink. I grabbed some stuff that I needed and put them in my pocket. I kept my promise and I didn't look at Jess. I waved to her without looking not knowing if she was looking at me or not.

'do you need anything?' I asked her standing at the bathroom door.

'no im good' she replied.

I walked out of the bathroom and shut the door behind me, I took the bag and walked downstairs and outside to my car and put it in the boot. i ran back inside because i was only in my jeans and it was freezing out.

I know its quite a bad place to end and this chapter wasn't very exciting but i just had to write it quickly. i will be uploading another chapter tomorrow. Thanks for readingg :) Byee

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