So It Begins...

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**Jack Barakat POV**

I picked up all the multicolored bras the fans had threw at us and wrapped them around my microphone, making it colorful. Alex was strumming random tunes on his guitar cracking jokes about bras as the audience laughed. I butt in.

"You know, Alex came on to me the other night." I said, laughing at the memory.

"I was totally pissed dude. Its normal!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah. Cause its so normal for your straight friend to have the hots for a guy. I was scared you'd rape me or something!" I shivered.

The audience laughed.

So, a few days ago...Believe it or not. We were all majorly drunk the fuck out of our minds. Well, apart from me. All I wanted to do was play some videogames. Anyways, to the point. I was casually playing videogames when a slurring alex tackled me so I toppled over onto my back, straddling me, he'd grabbed the waist of my boxers flicking them slightly (with poor me blushing like mad! >_

The audience was yelling now.

"Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!" They chanted.

Blinking confused.

"What?" Alex asked a fan.

"Okay" he murmured and made his way over to me.

I raised at eyebrow but he didn't say anything. He grabbed my face and softly pecked me on the lips. Dumbfounded I just stood there.

"Alright!" Alex picked up the mic skillfully. "This ones called weightless. Hit it!" The drums kicked in and I played as alex pranced around on stage.

After that show, fans ordered us to kiss at every venue we performed at. Became a regular thing I guess. I just wished the kisses would last longer...

So I admit.

I, Jack Barakat, have a crush on my best friend and fellow bandmate, Alex Gaskarth.


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