The Awakening

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It'd been at least over 9 hours since I had been waiting for Jack, after repeatedly checking the time on my phone. Any hour now, any hour now he should wake up. I kept telling myself, I'd been repeating that for the past time I'd been waiting for him to wake up. And my eyes never left the hospital bed, except for the fact when I went to get a cup of water or pee of course. I clutched my hands together, holding them under my chin as I stared at the pale limp boy in the hospital bed, lying back in the plastic hospital chairs a little I stared and stared at the boy.

Was it possible for some one to remain so...strong? He was bound to break some time and he just did, just not the correct way, he thought the way out was suicide.

But it wasn't. I gently took ahold of his hand, rubbing smooth circles on the back of it, tears were threatening to fall, but I blinked them away quickly, I had to be strong for him.

"Come on Jack." I whispered, sniffing slightly.

"Jack, I regret so much in my life, most of this is my fault-I just know it. Wake up, please, without you, your home alone quotations, or your dick jokes all time low won't be the same, wake up Jack, not just for me, but for the fans, zach and rian, for matt, for the ATL crew, for all the people who care about you, come on, you're stronger than that, Jack." I pleaded, grasping his hand tighter.

A heavy hand landed on my shoulder with a thump, I suddenly turned around to see Zach and Rian standing there with a look of sympathy in their eyes as they look towards me, then Jack, lifeless in the bed. I couldn't take it anymore, I tackled Zach into a hug, by being the muscular self he is, stopped us from toppling over. I let my emotions out.

"He'll be alright, Alex, he's going to be fine." Zach soothed, rubbing my back.

"This-This is all-all my f-fault." I sobbed, tears streaming down my face, my wet face leaving a damp spot on his shirt.

"Don't blame yourself man," I heard Rian breathe out.

"But it is, if I didn't do all that shit to him he would be perfectly well." I said simply.

"Not really Alex, if you could see the way he looks at you through our eyes you'd be able to see him hurting, how in love he is with you." Rian butt in.

"What?" I spluttered, pulling away, frowning.

"We knew he wasn't completely straight right from when we all formed as a band, dude." Zach shrugged.

"He-He's liked me all this time? Through when I had all those girlfriends....everything?" My eyes widened.

Now I see, he's held his emotions in far too long, he's been crushing on me since Day 1 of All Time Low's formation.

Try putting myself in his shoes? I can't even imagine.

"Come on dude, get something to eat, you've been waiting here since he got transferred in, you look all pale and ghost-like." Rian patted my back and they led out of the room and down the disinfectant smelling hallways, out of the hospital, breathing in the fresh air I trailed behind them both and got into the car.

Jack P.O.V

A white light.

That's all I saw.

Am I dead?

Am I dreaming?

"Come on dude.... something to eat....waiting here since he got transferred pale......." Words spoke, they sounded so far away, as if I was listening to someones conversation and there was no one around me for miles.

The quiet slam of a door made me realise...I wasn't  dead.

Trying to force my eyelids open, they reluctantly didn't obey. Re-trying repeatedly I somehow managed to open them. Squinting at the bright light above me, I slowly averted my eyes to look around the strange place I was in...

A fucking hospital?

What happened to me? I tried to sit up but my body felt limp and weak.

I tried opening my mouth to say something but no sound came out, my throat felt dry and my stomach grumbled for food.

Laying there for what seemed like an eternity, a door finally opened, shifting my head slightly to get a view of the person entering the room I looked to see a nurse.

"Doctor! Doctor!" She called, turning around heading back in the direction to where she came from.

Where is she going? Seriously? Bitch HELP ME. FEED ME. DARN WOMAN.

After a few moments, a middle aged man in a white lab coat returned, looking at me, as if he was trying to see right through me...



After a few tests the doctor said I would be allowed to go, as he contacted my family to arrange to pick me up.

Swinging my legs over to the other side of the bed, I wobbled as I took my first few steps and sat back down again, clutching my head tightly, scrunching up my hair in my hands. Trying to control the drowsy-ness I was feeling.

The door burst open, causing me to jump 20 feet into the air.

"Jack!" I looked to see a ghostly looking red head, Alex. He looked worn out, eye bags underneath his eyes and his skin looked horrendously unhealthy, as if he hadn't touched a morsel of food.

Before I could respond I was engulfed into a hug, knocking me down onto the bed as I was still a little weak.

"Hi Alex." I responded, smiling slightly.

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