Just One Kiss...

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Zach P.O.V

I didn't know how long I'd been waiting, or how long Rian had been out, but by the time he'd gotten back it was pretty late.

When I heard the front door quietly shut and the click of the lock, I headed downstairs.

There stood the dark shadow of a man I'd known literally for most of my life, my best friend.

And I'd hurt him, one of the last things I'd ever think of doing to someone like that.

My best friend.

"Rian," I called gently. Walking up to him.

I caught his wrist gently but he didn't move, he just tried to pull away.

I shook my head and stoof infront of him, preventing him from trying to get away.

"Rian, look at me." I ordered.

He glanced up at me, his eyes were filled with tears as I sighed and pulled him into a small hug before beggining to pull him up the stairs, and leading him to his bedroom, before shutting the door quietly.

"Rian we need to talk about this. You can't just jump to conclusions about me thinking about you weirdly. I won't judge you." I said gently, soothing him.


"Now-tell me everything, what happened to Cassandra?" I asked, placing a hand on his back.

Cassandra was his long time girlfriend, he loved her so much, so much he wanted to marry her-well he used to talk about proposing to her one day, but so far that day hadn't come.

"Well-When I first realised I kind of liked you, I, well she noticed something was up...erm, when we used to hang out and stuff, I never felt anything when we kissed. I grew bored, I guess you could say...She assumed I might've been cheating on her but then being the fool I was blurted out the truth. She then-then called me-me-a-a" He broke down in sobs again, I pulled him closer to me.

"What did she call you Rian?" I asked.

"A-disgusting f-faggot. And she's a-ashamed of kn-knowing me. N-none the less e-embarassed to h-have ever dated me. So when you rejected me. I-I thought..."

I quickly caught on and stopped him from saying any further.

"Oh Rian, I wouldn't dare be so low. Though are you completely gay...or just...me?"

Sure it was awkward to talk about but I urged myself to go on. I needed to calm him, soothe him.

"Rian. The truth may hurt, but you'll have to live with it bro. Life's a bitch but...I'm really sorry, the words may sting. But I don't think I'll ever like you back. From what I know now, I'm straight."

I cleared my throat and sighed hugging him tighter.

I just hope my comforting skills worked.

"Zach, can I just have one favour before we move on with our lives again?"

"Yeah, sure anything." I agreed.

"A kiss."


Jack P.O.V

By the time I'd heard the door slam shut and the shuffle of footsteps of the two best friends I just had a feeling something was going to happen.

"Alex." I whispered in his ear. He shuffled slightly but didn't answer, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer.

I planted little kisses on his neck, up his rough jaw which was slightly covered in stubble, up to his earlobe, flicking it with tongue as he let out a small whimper. I planted more kisses down his neck until my lips met with his soft spot, I bit down on it gently, sucking hard until his pleasured moan rang through my ears, his hands travelling up my bare back onto my hair.

Before he managed to plant his lips on mine I smirked and pulled away. Causing him to whine.

"Jackk...." He reached for me again.

"Alex, I have a funny feeling something may be going on in Rian's bedroom...who knows. Zian time?" I wiggled my eyebrows. Stepping out of bed and slipping on a shirt, when did it get so cold?

"Bullshit, baby, they're probably just talking things through, come back to bed." Alex whined. But I somehow managed to drag him out.

His arms locked around my waist as we sneaked to Rian's bedroom.

I turned my head to the side to reach Alex's lips behind me, three times.

"One." Peck

"Two" Peck

"Three" Peck

I flung open the door to see (as I expected) Rian and Zach at it on the bed. Though they werent exactly fucking as I had hoped.

"ZIAN EXISTS AND NO ONE KNEW?!" Alex screeched. Probably waking the whole of the neighbourhood.

"No! No guys! It-it was just one kiss!" Rian stuttered pulling away. However Zach was blushing furiously. Turning red as a cherry tomato...Aw bless our little-well big, Zachary.

"That's what they want you to think," I mumbled to Alex. Pecking his cheek.




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