Getting Her.......

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He met her about a month ago. He fell in love with her big, brown eyes, light and wavy brown hair, and her adorable crooked teeth when she smiled.

All her tutus and unicorns meant the world, he knew he wanted to keep her safe the day he met her.

So, he signed the adoption papers.....


I went downstairs and checked the time while opening the fridge, 12:32. It's almost time!

You see, I adopted a little girl. She's four and her names Gracie. I adopted her a few weeks ago but it'll be official today. I learned that Gracie loves tutus, skirts, the color purple, and unicorns. Her favorite holiday is Christmas. A total girly girl, but she's adorable.

In the 3 weeks, I decorated a room for her. The colors are purple and white with cute little things like unicorns and fuzzy rugs. Also, I got her size from her files and bought her lots of clothes and shoes.

I ran upstairs after finding nothing interesting and walked into Gracie's room, checking once more. Toys are scattered neatly around the room. I grabbed my phone and called Louis. We still talk even if we're on break.

All one direction boys, 5sos, my family, and Ed know about this. I've also been giving hints on Twitter about Gracie.

L- Louis H- Harry

L- Hello
H- Louis, it's almost time!
L- oh yeah, I forgot. Good luck, what's her name? You never told Me.
H- Gracie
L- Awe that's adorable
H- I know, oh well I got to go. I have to go get her in an hour.
L- Alright I'll see you later, Freddie's  waking up. Bye


I quickly put my phone on the charger and got in the shower. The hot water steaming the mirror.


Ms. Johnson said I have to pack all my things, when I asked her why she told me about a man Gracie met awhile ago. His name is Harry and he adopted me! He has a lot of hair too.

I put all my stuff into two suitcases, I got them 2 years ago. I decorated them in unicorn stickers. I heard a knock on my door and called out, "come in!" I continue.

The door opens to see Alice, a lady that works here. She has blonde hair and brown eyes. She's very nice. "Hi Gracie, are you almost done?" She asked and sat next to me. I looked up and nodded with a toothy small smile.

"Good he's almost here" Ms. Alice smiled and rubbed my back. I'm soooo excited, I hope he's nice and lloves Gracie with all his heart. Just like Gracie's old parents. Parents went to heaven when Gracie was tree. (three). They we're really nice, but something happened when they went to get me from daycare. The nice men in uniforms took Gracie here and they always come by to give Gracie a gift every two weeks. They made her start the love for tutus and skirts.

Right! Gracie only has a few of them because they're are a lot of big and little kids here. I finish packing and grab Phee. He's my favorite unicorn toy. I hug him and stand up, staring at the floor.

"Don't worry Gracie, i'm sure he's nice" Ms. Alice told me and sat on my bed. I stared at her confused, tilting my head. What's she talking about. "Gracie's confused, what do you mean?" I ask. Ms. Alice sighed and patted the spot next to her. I walked over and hopped onto the bed, giggling. I'm like a bunny!

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