The Interview........

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This chapter is mainly in Harry's POV

She didn't know who her dad really was, all she knew was that a lot a people like saying his name everywhere. And that he had cameras following him almost everywhere.

She didn't find it annoying, she though they were all of her new friends. And she had many of them.

She also didn't understand why she had to talk to the man with cards in his hands and cameras around them.....


I walk into the building with Gracie on my hip, her head on my shoulder playing with Phee. I stand at the desk, awkwardly, until someone came up.

I see the one and only Nick Grimshaw walk up to us and smile. "Hello Harry, whose this cutie?" He motions to Gracie. Gracie looked up and then looked at me.

"Well, Nick, this is Gracie, Gracie this is Nick" I bounce her on my hip and she says hi to him. Him saying it back.

"Okay, we have about 15 minutes until the interview starts. So let's go get things done" Nick smiled and led us to a room with makeup artist and such.

I got my makeup done, the one so you're not shiny on screen, and they did the same with Nick and Gracie. Gracie hated it, she kept pushing the lady's hand away and telling her 'no'. I mean I kinda like that she doesn't like makeup........

I grabbed Gracie's hand and put her by  the camera, so she can walk in easily. I sat on the couch in front of Nick and the camera started rolling.

"Hi Harry Styles!" Nick said to me as if we just started talking.

"Hi Nick" I smiled kindly. My eyes flickered to Gracie and I smiled at her, she smiled back.

"How are you today?" Nick stated.

"Good, you?" I ask back.

"Good, good. So Harry, tell me how's life been going without the three other boys?" Oh, so we're starting with questions.

"Boring really, I never know do with my time anymore. But I'm seeing my mum in a week or two so that'll be nice" I nod.

"That's nice, so rumors spreading. Do you have a movie role coming up?" Nick asks. I smile and nod, Dunkirk is starting soon.

"Yeah, actually, a movie. I don't know if I'm allowed to say though" I asked myself really. Am I allowed to talk about the movie or is that like a no go.

Nick Laughs and continues, "Awesome, there's news about you and Louis together out for dinner."

"Yeah, he's visiting L.A. For awhile so we met up" I nod again.

"And a little girl?" Nick asks as if he doesn't have any idea who she is.

My smile grows and I looked over at her, then back to Nick. "Um, yeah, I adopted a four year old girl. Her names Gracie" Nick puts a hand over his heart and awes.

"Well, can we bring her in?" He asked excitedly. I quickly nod and stand up, walking off screen to Gracie.


Daddy came up to me and bent down. "Hi Daddy" I smiled.

"Hi baby, cmon let's go with Nick" Daddy smiled and puts his arms out. I nod and let him pick me up, taking me to Nick. Gracie sitting in Daddy's lap.

"Hi Gracie" Nick smiles.

"Hi" Gracie smiles back and waves. Daddy's arms go around my middle and she stares at his hands while he talks to Nick.

Gracie tilts her head, Daddy's hands are huge! I grab one and put my hand to it, seeing how much smaller mine it is.


I look down, smiling, and see Gracie playing with my hand. She compares it to hers, her hand a lot smaller than mine.

"So, can i ask a bit about Gracie?" Nick asks as I put my head up. I say 'Sure' and Nick nods and goes onto the question.

"What's her favorite color?" Is this going to be like Trivia.

"Purple" I say back. He continues on with the questions. Gracie hasn't talked much.

"Favorite animal?" Nick smiles.

"Hmm, don't know," I smile and look down to Gracie.

"Gracie Bell, what's your favorite animal?" I ask her.

"Oh, um Gracie dont know Daddy" She frowns and then gasps.

"Oh unicorns! Unicorns are Gracies favoriteist " She smiled, Nick and I laughed. (favorite- Ist )

After awhile Nick ended the interview. I stood up and placed Gracie on my hip, adjusting her a bit.

"Well, I'll see you soon. Take care" I say to Nick as I'm about to leave.

"Bye Harry, Gracie. I'll see you soon" Nick smiled and waved as we left. I opened the glass door and walked out to my car, I'm surprised that there's no paparazzi.

-At Home-

We got home and I got out of the car, quickly going over to Gracie's side.

She doesn't talk much, she's shy and quiet. I like that though, she's not bratty but sweet. Like she understands limits, maybe just a thing she was taught. Gracie's calm but she'll raise her voice if I'm teasing her or something. It makes me feel relaxed, definitely different from my usual life. Screaming and always being loud, like Gracie's a charm. I don't know, maybe I'm crazy.


Daddy helped Gracie unbuckle from the seat. I look up at him and smiles, he smiles back at me.

We get inside the house and I look around again, getting an idea......

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