Play Time.......

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Playing is her favorite thing to do, especially 'princess'. She could wear different tutus all the time with a tiara. It made her feel special and then she had guests over and they were lovely.......


I look up at daddy and he doesn't notice me at first. Finally, he looked down and smiled.

We walked up stairs and i ran into her room. I ran into my closet and tried to find the thing I was looking for.

Daddy came into the room and leaned  against the wall. "Gracie Bell" Daddy called. I stopped the search and walked out of the closet, looking at Daddy.

"Yes?" I tilt my head.

"I'm going to take a shower, be good. If anything just knock on the bathroom door, alright?" Daddy smiled, his green eyes were shiny.


I told Gracie I'm going to take a shower and if she needed anything to come to me. She was in her closet looking for something, I didn't question though.

"Okay Daddy, Gracie loves you" Gracie smiled. She showed her slightly crooked teeth that I adore.

"Love you too Gracie Bell" I smiled. She blew a kiss as I left. Could she get anymore cuter?

I walked into my room and left the door open. I grabbed clothes and hopped into the shower, locking that door.

I got out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone. I pressed the home button and the phone lit up. I went to notifications and I had a few text messages. I read them: Niall, Ed, and Liam. As I was about to reply I hear yelling.

"Daddy, Daddy!" Gracie runs into my room stopping directly in front of my legs, looking up. Gracie's smiling so there's nothing that's going to worry me happening.

"Yeah Gracie?" I ask her, giving her all of my attention.

"You come play with Gracie?" She smiles and clasps her hands behind her back. She's wearing the same thing from earlier, besides the shoes and headband, but now she has a tiara on her head.

I mean the boys can wait. "Alright Gracie Bell, we can play" I smile as she did a little dance. She dragged me out of the room and into hers.

The setup was adorable. She had a table in the middle of the room, with a tea party set up perfectly. Stuffed animals in every chair put out besides two, which are across from eachother.



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Gracie grabbed me a pink tutu and a tiara, well I'm guessing we're having a tea party. Gracie's tiara has a heart and mine is like a headband with poky thingies at the ends.

"Daddy, come sit" Grace giggled. I looked in the full body mirror. I look ridiculous, I'm doing it for Gracie though. I can't just leave her, and plus she doesn't have anyone to play with yet. Her own age I mean.

We sat in the small chairs, my legs far too long for this table. Gracie leaned over to table and grabbed the kettle. We pretended there was tea and had a ridiculous conversation about unicorns.


We ended the tea party after all of my guests left. They were lovely.

"Gracie Bell?"

I looked up, Daddy was talking to me. I smiled at him and he smiled too. "Yes Daddy?" I question him.

"Do you want to take a shower now or in the morning?" He asked me another question. I can't think of something else.

I will talk to uncle Lou about comebacks.

"Tomorrow" I shrug. Daddy nods and helps me put away my tea party table and cups and things.

"Okay, now, let's get you changed" Daddy stood up and went to the drawers. I stared at him, which one is he going to choose.

"Do you want this one?" Daddy asked and showed me a bed time outfit. I looked at it and tilted my head, thinking.

The top is soft and white with ruffles on the shoulders, the shorts are loose. Also, the same white but more silky with a pretty, pale pink ribbon bow.

"That one" i nod and daddy closes the drawer and stands her on the bed. I grabs his shoulders so i don't fall, that would hurt.

Daddy helped me change because I got stuck on my shirt. After I got dressed Daddy looked at his phone, smiling.

"What is it, Daddy?" Gracie asks, furrowing her eyebrows.


I look up to Gracie and smile at her confusion. "It's only 7:30, would you like to watch a movie?" Gracie smiles widely and nods, jumping on her bed.

"Alright, jumpy, come here" I slip my phone into my pocket and wrap an arm around Gracie, picking her up.

We get downstairs and I set Gracie on the couch, letting her get comfortable. I grabbed the remote to the TV and turned it on.

"Gracie Bell, what movie?" I ask as I look through the pile. There's loads of them, I really only bought them when they first came out so I have a lot that I've never watched.

"I don't know Daddy" Gracie said back with a cute, soft voice. I continue my search and find the Disney section.

She'd probably like something from this.

As I continued for awhile, I finally found one that I don't think Gracie's seen.

"How about Finding Dory"

I Don't Want to Play  ~ An Adoption StoryWhere stories live. Discover now