New Room..........

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Her name meant kindness and mercy, she was cute in anyone's eyes. Which is why she was so oblivious to everything.

Harry, the man that adopted her, didn't care though. He actually found it quite adorable how she'd talk and how she asked so many question. Usually it would bother him, but she never did......


We got to Gracies new home and it's quite big. I smiled at Daddy, even though he can't see me. Oh well! Daddy turned.

"Alright Gracie Bell, are you ready for your new home" Daddy smiled to me. I said 'yes' and daddy helped me out of the car. I made sure to grab Phee, I never let him be by himself.

One time in the middle of the night, Phee broke a glass cup full of milk in the kitchen. Ms. Alice told Gracie it was her but I don't believe her, it was Phee. Gracie knows it was!

I stood out of the car and grabbed Daddy's hand. We walked up to the front door and he opened it with a key. The key has a music note on it. Oooooo I wonder if daddy can sing or play an instrument.


I opened the door and walked in, Gracie next to me. Her eyes lit up at the house and her eyes wondered around the room. I looked at her and kneeled down to her.

"Now, do you want to see your room?" I ask her as if it were a question. She nods quickly and I grab my phone from my pocket, quickly going into camera so I can record this. I press the red button and it started.

"Ok, Gracie Bell, run upstairs to the white door with lights" I smile. She giggles and runs upstairs, quickly I follow her. She kinda tripped over her feet but made it up.

We made it to her door and she swung it open, then ran inside. The look on her face was adorable. Her hand covered her mouth and her eyes were wide. Gracie squealed. She turned around and hugged my legs as tightly as she could. I stop recording and hugged her back.

"Do you like it?" I say grabbing her small hands. She jumps up and down. "Gracie loves it Daddy, tank you. Oh, Phee has so many new friends!" She smiled.

That's something I've noticed, she can't pronounce her th's all too great. Like when she says thank you or three. She's only four so it's okay. It doesn't really matter anyway.

I brought up her suitcases and put them by the closet. "Okay Gracie bell, do you want to wear a new outfit for tonight when we leave?" I ask her, opening the closet. She says 'yes' and we go through the closet.

We finally decided on a outfit with a cute tutu and matching things. Gracie loves all of the tutus and skirts so it took her awhile.


Daddy helped Gracie change into some clothes and did her hair. "Tank you" I smiled and kissed his cheek before running up to the mirror. I saw daddy smile and walk behind me, crouching.

"You're so pretty Gracie Bell" Daddy smiles at me and fixes my tutu.

The outfit:

----------------------------------------------The outfit:

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"Gracie loves it! " I dance in front of the mirror. Daddy laughs and picks me up.
" Would you like to help me with my outfit?" Daddy asked me.

We walked into Daddy's room and he puts Gracie on the bed, going into the closet. "OK Gracie Bell, you're going to have two options" Daddy calls from the closet.

"OK Daddy" I say and kick my feet.


I grabbed two outfits Gracie can choose from for tonight. I walked out of my closet and held up the two outfits to Gracie. There was one with a green-blue top and one with a white top.

"Grace thinks the white one" Gracie smiles after sitting for some time. I say 'ok' and tell her I'm going to change. I walked into my bathroom, closed the door and changed.

The outfit:

----------------------------------------------The outfit:

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I walked out of the bathroom and Gracie smiled. "Good pick Gracie Bell" I walked up to her and picked her up again. I think I've found my new obsession.

We walked downstairs and I set her on the couch. "Want to watch TV" I ask her, standing in front of her. She nods I grabbed the remote from the TV stand.

I sit down next to her and then the TV on, flipping through channels. I get on to the Disney channel and stop, probably what she'd want to watch.

I grab my phone from my pocket and play on it. About 5 minutes later, I feel Gracie climbing on top of me. She rested her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around me.

I looked down and she was trying to  keep her eyes open. I rubbed her back," go to sleep Gracie Bell, I'll wake you up" I whispered and she nodded.

"Gracie loves you Daddy" She whispered and yawned.

Smiling I said," Daddy loves Gracie too"

-15 minutes later-

Gracie's still sleeping so I carefully stand up and grab my keys and wallet, it shouldn't be cold tonight. I walk out the door and quietly lock and shut it behind me.

I open the back door and put Gracie inside, buckling her up. I looked around and relieazed I don't have Phee. She'll freakout if I don't have him.

I quickly run inside and grab the unicorn, hoping she doesn't wake up. I shut and locked the door again and ran back to the car. She's still sleeping, thank you sleeping gods.

I put Phee in her lap and close the door. I go to my side and get everything situated. Thank start driving  to her new uncles house, Louis Tomlinson.

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