Haircuts and Playdates.....

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On Saturday, the four year old woke up earlier than usual, 6:30 to be exact. Why? She has no idea.

Because it was Saturday, Harry decided to sleep in, knowing the little girl would be asleep into at least 10:30. But he was wrong.

When he did wake up, it was to a scream and cry, yelling a voice cracking ''Daddy!"


"Daddy!" It was from downstairs, a voice cracking and filled with tears.

Immediately, I knew it was Gracie because I recognize the small voice and really, who else would it be. I get up, as quickly as I could, and ran downstairs, thinking my little girl is about to die or something.

When I did get downstairs, my heart was thumping out of my chest. I looked ahead, realizing it was from the living room.

"Daddy!" She screamed again.

I got into the living room and saw Gracie, expecting something horrible. But what I saw made me release a gasp of air of relief.

Gracie got her hair tangled onto the nails in the coffee table. "Oh my god, Gracie, you scared me!" I playfully yell at her. Tears were stained onto her cheeks and she kept tugging to get free.

"Daddy, please, h-hurts. Hurting Gracie!" Gracie choked on her hiccups as more tears fell from her eyes.

I got to her and helped get the hair free. It was tangled for sure, there's a giant knot that got caught and I can't get it off. "Gracie, we might have to cut your hair" I mumble to her. I look at her face and her eyes widened and she shook her head, through the pain, vigorously.

"Hey, hey, calm down, you're making it worse" I try and soothe her. She stops but says no to me. "Cupcake, if we have to, we have to."

"Daddy, no, Gracie don't wanna cut hair" She didn't whine, it was more of a beg to not cut her hair.

"I have to get mine cut too, so if we can't get your hair out, we can cut our hair together" I smile at her to cry and calm her nerves of getting her hair cut.

"Daddy, please, no wan' haircut" she begged.


After a long, long, long process I got Gracie's hair free from the nail and right now she's insisting that we lay on the couch and cuddle.

"Daddy, cuddle"

"Baby, no, I'm trying to make you breakfast"

"Will eat cereal, cuddle"

Gracie continued with the beg of cuddling on the couch and Niall was completely, 100%, correct because I gave in.

"Alright, lets go" I look down to Gracie and she smiles and her, already, sparkly eyes light up. She squealed and grabbed my hand, leading me to the couch.

I sat down and grabbed the remote, flicking it to Disney. I laid down, back against the couch and Gracie cuddled up to me. We watched tv for awhile and then she got bored, but refused to stand up.

"Daddy" Gracie mumbled and faces me by turning her whole body around. I gave her a small smile, "yeah, Cupcake."

"Love Daddy" She hugged me, the best she could, and nuzzled into my chest. I smiled, I know i did, I can't help it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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