Crushes and Kisses.......

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She absolutely loves being hugged and kissed. She thought if she did it to certain people they would know she loved them.

Her cheeks also lit up once she saw Harry's friend. He made her smile, laugh, and even played princess with her.

He was her first crush.......


The sound of my phone going off woke me up, jumping. Groaning, I checked the caller ID. Then I answered.

"Hello" My voice was groggy, it isn't cheery at all.

"Harry! Hi, did I wake you?" The other voice questioned.

"Yeah, you did, but why'd you call"

"Oh, because I was wondering if I could come over to meet the new little angel"

"Gracie? Yeah, sure, when do you plan on getting here"

"Around 12ish, I have an interview at 3 in LA"

"Oh, okay, see you later then"

"Bye Harry"

"Bye Niall"

I got out of bed, took a shower, and walked downstairs, still sleepy. I have to make breakfast, then wake Gracie, and give her a bath.

I wonder if she'll like Niall. I mean she loves Louis, so she should like Niall too. Right? I don't know, I'm just stressing about it.

I made waffles for Gracie and I and put them in the microwave to keep them warm. I walked upstairs and into Gracie's very girly room I went.

She was in the exact position as last night and the blanket was still tucked around her. I tucked her in last night so I remember the way I wrapped the pastel blanket around the small and short girl.

I sat next to her and played with her hair, it's soft. I lightly shook her attempting  to wake her. I knew it wasn't going to work, she's kind of a heavy sleeper.

Finally when I get her to wake up, cooing and saying good mornings involved, I have to pick her up and carry her downstairs. She has a bit of a problem with going down the stairs by herself. She goes really slow and makes sure she doesn't fall. Or she'll sit down at the top and slide down them, but has no problem going up them.

I  sit her on a barstool and she waits tiredly and patiently for me. "Here you go Gracie Bell," I give her a soft smile and put a plate of waffles in front of her. Then, I get my own. We have a small conversation about her dream, which had something to do with a chimpanzee.

Gracie only managed to eat 3/4 of the two waffles I gave her. She doesn't eat much, but trust me I tried to get her to eat the last triangle. She couldn't. I have to get her a checkup on things and her weight, but right now I have to fill a tub with bubbles and rubber ducks.


"Gracie Bell, cmon" I said, a bit over an indoor voice. A voice squeaked and I heard small feet running over to me.

Gracie ran in and hugged my arm while I tested the water, getting the right temperature. "Hi, baby, let's get you in the bath" I smile and kiss her forehead. Gracie giggled and nodded.

When I did get Gracie out, the bathroom floor was soaked. We had a small water fight and now the floors drenched. I looked at it and sat Gracie on the sink. Gracie made a confused noise.

"What's wrong?" I look back up to her.

"Ground wet?" Gracie eyes squinted as she was trying to answer her own question and her head tilt a bit.

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