Dinner with Uncle who.....

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The new man, her new uncle, was the first person she'd meet with her new father.

Of course she was nervous, but she was safe with Harry, she knew it.

She got attached quite quickly for what the men actually anticipated, which was both a good and bad thing......


I get out of the car and walk up to the door. Louis is visiting LA for awhile with Freddie for business I guess. I knock on the door and wait outside.

Soon the door opens and Louis smiles and we hug and all that. "Where's Freddie?" I ask. I mean he can't leave him here, not that Louis would do that but just checking.

"Sitter, is this Gracie in the car?" he asked excitedly. I smiled and nodded, "She's asleep though, she'll wake up soon" I say and we walked to my car.

We get by it and I check on Gracie again, Louis stands behind me. "Awe, she's adorable" Louis awes. I look at him and give a small smile.

"Alright, get in" I stand back up and quietly shut the door. Louis states at me coldly, "don't tell me what to do."
He will always have an attitude won't he? Whatever he's Louis, it's normal.


Gracie is adorable. Ooo I wonder what she calls Harry and what she is like. I get in the car and put the belt on. Harry gets in and grabs the keys.

"Tell me about her" I strike up conversation. Harry hums and gets onto the road.

"OK, well, she's four, loves unicorns, tutus, skirts, purple, she speaks in third person sometimes, and animals" he continues on and on. I think for a minute. My question!

"She speaks in third person?"

"Uh, yeah, instead of saying something like 'i love you' she'll say 'Gracie loves you' " Harry explains.

"That's cute though" I respond.

"It is" Harry smiles.

"What she call you?" I ask, really wanting to know.

"Daddy" he simply replies.

"Really!" I say kinda loud, he nods and shushes me. "That's cute, what do you call her"I continue with questions.

"I call her Gracie Bell" my heart melts, Harry finally has someone to love forever and watch grow. He has at least fourteen years with Gracie.

We soon get to the restaurant and hop out of the car. I open the door behind me so we can unbuckle Gracie. She woke up like 5 minutes ago, so she's still in that sleepy state.


I get out of the car and walk around to Louis's side. He opened the door and I swiftly got the sleepy Gracie from the booster, putting her on my hip. I grab Phee and hand him to her.

"Daddy" She mumbles while I close the door. I adjust her and hum at her to continue. Which she does.

"Who's that?" She asked like looking towards Louis. I smile at Lou and then to her. She looks up at me, her sparkly brown eyes filled with wonder.

"Gracie Bell, this is Louis. He's like your uncle" I try to explain to her. She thinks for a moment and then processes the information. She smiles widely and she starts jumping on my hip.

"Uncle Lou is nice to Gracie?" She tilts her head in confusion. I peck her cheek and nod.

"Uncle Lou!" She giggles and puts hands up for Louis. Louis gives her a smile and picks her up from my arms, giving her a hug. I swear this child trusts people way too easily.

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