His little Secret

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Alvena couldn't remember the last time she felt this tired because her last memory of being tired was when the sack-bagginses kept bugging her to get Bilbo. But then the memories came back, river, barrels, arrows, and Legolas. She bolted up in what seemed a very soft bed but as she sat up straight an indescribable pain shot through her shoulder making her shout in pain but before her voice could escaped her mouth a hand covered her mouth preventing any sound coming out.

"Shh..." the owner of the hand said softly. She looked to her side to see Legolas. "What happened?" she asked. His eyes then drifted to her shoulder she followed his gaze and noticed her shoulder had white bandages around it. "You were shot by an arrow, Tauriel saved your life if it wasn't for her it would have pierced your heart." he said softly. 

"I owe her my life then." she said as she leaned farther into the pillow. 

"Where am I?" 

"You're in my room." he replied.

"But I thought I wasn't allowed especially in your kingdom since your father loathes me."

"Well, I for one don't. I am not like my father besides you can be my little secret." 

He said as he winked at Alvena. He didn't knew why he had developed feelings towards her at a very short span of time and he cared for her deeply. There was a knock at the door but the door didn't open meaning it was Tauriel. "I'll be back, rest and lie still." Legolas said as he stood up and made his way towards the door. He opened to see his friend. "What is it Tauriel?" he asked.

"We need to--" But she was cut off by Legolas saying, "You cannot hunt 30 Orcs on your own." 

"But I am not alone." she replied. 

"You know I would come." said a voice behind Legolas as Tauriel looked to the person behind him with a knowing smile. Legolas turned around and said "You are hurt you cannot fight." Alvena then smirked and said "Who said I was fighting? Tauriel will clearly do the fighting more than me. I just need to know that my brother is safe... I cannot abandon him, Legolas." Legolas looked between Tauriel and Alvena knowing he could never argue when it comes to elleths. He sighed and said "Fine! We'll meet at the docks by nightfall, when everyone is asleep especially my father." Tauriel and Alvena smiled.

Tauriel then dashed off to get herself ready while Alvena and Legolas went back inside his room. Alvena then grabbed Legolas and pressed her lips on his cheek as she pulled away she whispered "Thank you." Legolas turned red knowing he has never been kissed by any elleth except his mother. As Alvena and Legolas stared into each others eyes with a smile suddenly there was a knock on the door. Alvena and Legolas' eyes widen when suddenly a voice from behind the door spoke.


Legolas panicked as he noticed it was his father. "Yes?" Legolas called out as he pushed Alvena towards the wooden cabinet so she would hide there hoping Thranduil wouldn't notice. 

"Stay here and be quiet." Legolas whispered as he closed the doors to the cabinet and went to open the door. Seeing his father in his silver tunic and red cloak. Legolas bowed and asked "Father, what are you doing here?" As his father walked slowly inside the room with his hands behind his back. "I came to discuss with you the way you looked at that red kingdom scum and how you visited her in her dungeon." Thranduil said as he held a cold stare with Legolas.

"She just asked about her parents." Legolas said. 

"I don't care Legolas, I don't want you near that scum ever again." Thranduil said harshly, "Don't tell me you have grown fond of her?" 

"Father I--" But he was cut off as Thranduil loomed over him and said to him darkly "You are never to go near her again understood. She is our enemy even more her company is with dwarves who have stolen something from me, her mother betrayed me and gave me the nasty scar. She is poisoned in the mind just by thinking she is a hobbit. If I see you near her ever again I shall do the honors of ending her life." And with that Thranduil exited the room. He quickly locked the door and dashed to his cabinet and opened the small doors to see a crying Alvena but as Alvena saw that Legolas opened the doors she quickly hide the fact that she was crying. 

"Alvena, I'm sorry." he said. 

"There is nothing to be sorry about Legolas.... he is right." she said as she stood up and wrapped her arms around her body. Legolas then lifted her chin to let her stare into his ocean blue eyes and he said "No, he is not Alvena. You are misunderstood and lost, you weren't living the truth you were hidden from your real life so it is not your fault... I would never let my father hurt you." 

"Why do you care for me so much Legolas when you just have met me? Especially since I burned your cheek the first time we met." 

Legolas sighed and said "Why do I care? I sometimes ask myself that question it has only been a day and my feelings run deep for you... you have the spirit of my mother, your love for your family and friends are deep. You'd risk your life for them. Alvena you are special.. your fate will not be rotting in the dungeons of Mirkwood. You'll have adventure, you'll get married and have kids. You'll see more of your family and who knows one day you'll be reunited with your parents. And the burning of the cheek part, don't worry it was cured when you kissed it."

Alvena couldn't help but blush, but it wasn't love because they both just cared for each other. For the rest of the time Legolas let Alvena sleep on his bed while he slept in a small chair which both of them bickered over sleeping in the chair. Alvena didn't want the Prince sleeping on a small chair while she slept on his bed but also Legolas didn't want Alvena sleeping on the small chair since she is injured.

Eventually Legolas won. 

Hello guys! This just a filler chapter, something small but sweet. Thank you!


Secrets From Within [Legolas FanFic again] #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now