Saying Farewell

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        "We'll see each other again." Alvena said as tears streamed down her face as she embraced all the dwarves especially Dwalin. "Make sure you get back safely." Bofur said. 

"We sure will." Alvena and Bilbo said at the same time. Bilbo collected a few treasures but Alvena decided to collect none, all she ever wanted was an adventure she did have her adventure but she was a bit disappointed that she didn't get to fight the dragon but everything was worth it now she just wants to go home. "Hurry up Bilbo, I want to cross the lake before sun down!" Alvena shouted as she once again covered her hair and ears with a dark green cloth. 


Alvena turned around and saw Legolas standing there he looked worn out since he has been fighting a lot and he lost one of his very good friends. "Legolas." she breathed as she smiled at him making him smile back. 

"You decided to go back home?" Legolas asked. 

"Yes, I miss home... I have all the time in the world if ever I wanted to travel again." Alvena said. "Well, you take care of yourself I am still holding that dwarf bet of ours." Legolas chuckled. 

"Thank you." Alvena said but Legolas looked confused as he asked "For what?" 

"Saving my life." Alvena replied. Legolas smiled at her.

They both stared at each other knowing they both are gonna miss each other. "I got something for you." Legolas said as he tossed something to Alvena, she easily caught it and as she looked what's in her hands she gasped "Oh my Valar, Legolas it's beautiful." 

"It is a reminder that I will always be your friend, besides it matches your hair." he said as he had his arms behind his back while rocking back and forth on his feet. Alvena stared at the beautiful ruby necklace and ran to Legolas wrapping her arms around his chest "Thank you mellon nin." she said. Legolas was shocked but he quickly returned the hug. 

Picture of the necklace is right above.

"Lissenen ar' maska'lalaith tenna' lye omentuva." Legolas said. (Sweet water and light laughter till next we meet) 

Alvena put her chin on his chest facing upwards to see his face Legolas looked down and Alvena said "If you ever find yourself a bride make sure to invite me." As she pulled away and start walking towards her horse that Gandalf got for her as Bilbo got a pony. "I don't think I'll have a bride any time soon." he said. 

"Why not?" Alvena asked. 

"All elleths look like dwarves." Legolas teased her height making Alvena laugh. 

"Be careful Legolas! I can burn your hair." she giggled. 

"Farewell." Legolas said with a slight smile as he bowed. "Farewell mellon nin." Alvena said as she mounted her horse. 

She and Bilbo galloped towards Gandalf saying "You will visit us one day right?" Alvena asked. "Of course!" Gandalf cheered. 

"Hopefully not to ask us out on another adventure." Bilbo murmured. Alvena elbowed him and said "Farewell Gandalf, may we see you soon." Gandalf smiled then Alvena and Bilbo took off. As silence rang through the air Bilbo looked at Alvena and saw she had a face looking like she was daydreaming. 

"You like him don't you?" Bilbo asked as he held the reins of the horse like a royal person while Alvena looked laid back. "What are you talking about?" Alvena asked. 

"That elven Prince you like him, I saw the way you stare at him." Bilbo accused her. 

"Pft! Please Bilbo it is rare for me to see a good looking elf. We barely have any good looking hobbits in the Shire and most of them are our cousins!" Alvena said as she smiled. 

"Ah, ah, ah! You can't escape this one Alvena you like that elven Prince. One day you will be telling me that you will be marrying him." Bilbo said while waving a finger in the air. 

"Bilbo! We've just met! Besides we are only friends." Alvena said. 

"Well, you see Alvena that-- that's how it is, you start out as friends... then poof! You're married." Bilbo said while making hand gestures. "I'm not having this conversation with you Bilbo! Next thing I know half of the Shire will be congratulating me." Alvena said. 

The whole way towards the Shire they had no problems except for a few spiders in Mirkwood but they dealt with it easily. They have also stopped by Rivendell to relax then they were off and they also stopped in Bree to get a drink and visit a few friends but as they reached home they were shocked to see that the house was being auctioned but Alvena and Bilbo quickly stopped it, and that was the talk of the Shire for a few months. Alvena didn't mind she got back into her routine without a fuss but now she even had a new chore for her which she enjoys, she babysits a young hobbit her nephew to be precise.

Frodo Baggins.

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