Bilbo's birthday!!

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61 years later. (I think)

Hobbits have been living and farming in the Shire for many hundreds of years. 

I content to ignore and be ignored by the world of the big folk, Middle Earth being after all are full of different creatures beyond count. Hobbits were seen with little importance being neither known as great warriors nor counted among very wise.

In fact it has been marked by some that Hobbits' only real passion is for food in unrather fair observation as we have also developed to keen interest to drink ales, the smoking of pipe weed but where our hearts truly lie is in peace and quiet and good tilde earth and are good in things we share to grow. 

"I bet that she can't jump over it without touching-- it's impossible!" Merry stated as Frodo laughed at his lack of knowledge of Alvena. "How much?" Alvena asked with a smirk on her face. "Hmm.. I get to do your chores for a week." Merry said with an excited Pippin and chuckling Frodo watching from the side. "Where's Sam?" Pippin asked as his head whipped side to side "Garden." Frodo replied more interested in Merry and Alvena's bet.

"Deal." Alvena said. 

"But you also have to jump." Merry started rubbing his chin while he was thinking. "Okay... Go!" Merry said as he started running towards the high fence that was only up to Alvena's waist as he started running he was shocked to see Alvena running ahead and he was even more shocked to see Alvena jump over the fence with ease without touching the fence and with determination Merry tried jumping over the fence without holding the railing but he failed as half of his leg got caught and he fell face first to the ground.

Pippin and Frodo burst out laughing as Merry made contact to the ground Alvena turned around and stifled her laugh as she tried helping Merry stand up but he shrugged her hand off his shoulders. "That's cheating!" Merry accused even though he knew exactly who won fair and square. 

Alvena rolled her eyes and said "One week my chores please don't upset Hyacinth. You know she has quite a temper." Merry rolled his eyes and stalked off with Pippin. Frodo laughed as he looked at his aunt Alvena. Alvena smiled at her handsome nephew and said "Come on Frodo! Let's go check that crazy uncle of yours and see what he is doing." Frodo walked along side with Alvena as they made their way towards Bag End.

Alvena and Frodo entered and Alvena called out, "Bilbo! We're back!" As she took her bandanna off to make her hair flow freely, her red hair was no longer short. Her rich red hair now came up to her breasts. "I'm in here." Bilbo called out from a room that he spent most his time in. Frodo went into another room as Alvena approached her brother and peeked at what he was doing "It's not yet done!" Bilbo snapped as he closed the book but Alvena rolled her eyes and said "Please Bilbo, I lived those adventures with you so I know everything you'll write in that book." 

"He's writing that silly book of his?" Frodo asked as he took a bite of his apple. "I am afraid so Frodo." Alvena replied with a smirk on her face she knew exactly how Bilbo would react if you called his book silly. "It is not silly you buffoons!" he snapped at them making both of them laugh. 

"Laugh all you want but one day my book will be the talk of Middle Earth." Alvena laughed even more she knew that Bilbo's book would be the talk of the Shire but she doubt it would be the talk of Middle Earth but instead of bringing him down she encourages him more. "Well, good for you Bilbo." Alvena said as she patted his back. 

"Alvena let's go wait for Gandalf!" Frodo said as he glanced at Alvena. Alvena's eyes shined bright with excitement she couldn't wait to see her old friend. Bilbo laughed as Alvena and Frodo dashed out the door to wait for a very good friend. 

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