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       They arrived in Lake town after the day that they set sail on their small boat. "We must make haste." Tauriel said determined to find the orcs but more specifically Kili. But once they arrived at a small house Alvena couldn't help but scrunch up her nose in the smell of fish-- Alvena loves to eat fish but too much of it can have an annoying smell. 

Orcs were already attacking one house which only a few dwarves were left inside the house especially Kili he looked like he was wounded, Tauriel, Legolas, and Alvena started killing any orc in sight but after a few kills they started retreating. 

"Alvena! Tauriel!" Legolas shouted as he chased after the remaining orcs. 

"Where's Bilbo?" Alvena quickly asked Bofur. 

"He is in the mountain along with Thorin and others." he quickly replied. 

"But Gandalf said don't enter the mountain without him?" Alvena asked frustrated with Thorin's stubbornness but the rest of the dwarves just shrugged their shoulders. 

"Tauriel, Lets go." Alvena said as she jumped out from the house to catch up with Legolas. "Go ahead! I must stay!" she said. Alvena didn't even argue it was clear to see that Tauriel had feelings for her dwarf friend. Right as Alvena caught up with Legolas she noticed that an he was fighting with an orc, and Legolas was having hard time due to worrying about Alvena and Tauriel especially Tauriel's obvious feelings for the dwarf. Alvena got out her bow and shot the orc that was about to end Legolas' life. 

Alvena noticed Legolas' nose was bleeding and he looked like he was dizzy. "Legolas! You must stop!" Alvena argued but Legolas ignored her as he got on a horse and chased after Bolg. Alvena did the same as she grabbed a horse and chased after Legolas she knew that if Legolas continued chasing this orc he would be weak and majorly wounded. "Legolas!" she shouted again but still Legolas chased after the vile creature. 

Alvena was worried for her friend who seeked revenge maybe he is just taking all his anger out on Bolg. "Legolas." Alvena whimpered as she placed her feet on the back of the horse making sure she won't fall and once she was close enough she leaped into the air tackling Legolas down as both of them fell off their horse tumbling into the small puddle in the lake that was filled with mud. 

"What are you doing!?" Legolas hissed as he saw Alvena hovering over him. "Saving you!" she snapped. "You are not saving you ar--" But Legolas was cut off as he screamed in pain and clutched the side of his ribs and as Alvena took a closer look she saw that he was bleeding and as she squinted she saw it was a cut from a blade and it was bleeding.

"Oh my Baggins! We must get you patched up." Alvena said as she looked around and notice they were too far from Lake town and was in the middle of nowhere. Not too far away, she saw a small abandoned cottage in the middle of the lake-- good thing it was low tide-- it looked very old like it would collapse if a strong wave would come along but it had a roof and it was enough to camp there just for a night or until Legolas healed. Alvena then helped Legolas up as they made their way to the old cottage walking on the mud and wet sand. Their horses were long gone once they tumbled on the ground. 

Once they reached the old cottage Alvena took her cloak off and put Legolas' head on it to use it as a pillow. She then started cleaning the wound with and she was thankful there were a few herbs at the bottom of the cottage she then just stopped Legolas' wound. She then made a fire and started cooking fish that she caught. "It's not the best food to eat at the moment but at least it's something." she said as Legolas laid down motionless a few meters from the fire his eyes were closed and he was sweating and had a high temperature due to the weather-- usually it won't affect him but he was wounded badly. 

Alvena knew he might not be able to hear her but she rather talk to him than to herself. "I'll just leave your share beside you in case you wake up and feel hungry." she said as she laid the fish and the leaf as a plate beside him. When she was done eating she then leaned on the wall right under the window and she put Legolas' head on her lap and used her cloak as his blanket. Suddenly a thunder sounded through the sky as if the sky was being ripped apart. Alvena cringed at the uncomfortable sound. She then started brushing through Legolas' hair. 

"I'm not scared of the thunder." she said as it started pouring outside, the rain showing no mercy. "But it always made me feel uncomfortable especially in a situation like this." she said, "It brought up memories."

"I was camping out with my father and Bilbo and we were setting up the tent but then it started to rain *cringe due to the thunderstorm* Bilbo loved playing in the rain-- I also to... but I hated the thunder, it was like as if they object to what I do *cringe* Other hobbits used to make fun of me because of my ears, I always knew I was different but I didn't want to admit it. I am so used to my life in the Shire with my brother and other hobbits. I was scared to admit it-- scared that they might take me away or throw me away. I was so scared-- I felt left out but with my brother he made everything okay but now that I have seen the outside the borders of the Shire.... I don't know what to think." she said as she still brushed Legolas' hair with her fingers slightly rubbing his head. 

"Sleep Legolas, we shall travel tomorrow." Alvena said as she also drifted off but cringing now and then when thunder would tear through the sky. 

Secrets From Within [Legolas FanFic again] #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now