Part 2: get it together (m)

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By the time evening came Eleana's stomach was grumbling and her head was pounding

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By the time evening came Eleana's stomach was grumbling and her head was pounding. She was seriously contemplating staying in her room forever rather than have to face Pietro. Sighing Eleana pulled off the covers and picked up her phone, still where she'd discarded it hours earlier.

The brightness hurt her eyes, nearly as much as the blank, message-less screen glaring back at her. Tears stung her already sore eyes and she scrubbed at them willing them away. Eleana knew this would happen, it was what she expected, yet it didn't dampen the hurt any less.

Caught up in her thoughts she didn't notice Steve quietly open the door and stand in the doorway.

"Hey kid."

"Didn't they used to knock in the forties?" Eleana jokes and attempt to make herself look more presentable, grabbing a wipe for her eyes and smoothing down her hair. She could tell he was smirking behind her as he stepped inside.

"I remember broads used to clean their rooms..." Steve retorted with a smile picking up a stray bra and raising his eyebrows. Eleana blushed and snatched it from him before stuffing it in a drawer.

"How are you doing? no one's seen you all day." He asks hesitantly.

Eleana shrugged, "I wasn't feeling well."

Steve sat down on the bed beside Eleana and took hold of her chin, his fingers soft as he moved her face around to look at him. He glanced over her red swollen eyes and sighed to himself.

"Is it Pietro?"

Eleana's eyes widened, feeling as guilty as she must have looked. No one was supposed to know.

"I - why would it be?" She whispered and turned away from him, fiddling with the drawstring of her hoodie, trying to stop her hands from shaking.

"I know you're sleeping together, Eleana." He put his hand over her shaking ones and she bit her lip.

"Not anymore," Eleana's cheeks grew redder while she stammered an answer, "who else knows?"

Steve frowned and ran his hands through his hair, "Everyone knows. It's pretty damn obvious Eleana. We just didn't want to interfere."

Eleana groaned and put her head in her hands. It was even worse than she thought, they were all probably laughing at her and for a lot longer than she realized.

She felt Steve's hand on her shoulder and she peaked at him through her fingers, watching the worry spreading across his features.

"That's all it was? just sleeping together?"

"That's all it was." Eleana answered sadly.

"Then why have you been holed up in here all day crying?" his voice was soft, not wanting to upset her any more.

"Because I'm a fucking idiot, Steve. I knew what I was getting myself into and I still let it happen."

"You love him."

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