Part 11: break out

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Eleana covers  her eyes from the blue sky, almost blinding through the jagged missing part of the building

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Eleana covers  her eyes from the blue sky, almost blinding through the jagged missing part of the building. The part that was once their quarters, now a mess of fire, sparks and rubble.

What have I done?

Tony flies over her head firing at the helicopter and Eleana ducks down, hands scraping on the floor. He blasts away the engine and propeller, sending the helicopter careering out of sight, only for another to take its place. Agents start to run past her, pushing forwards and jostling Eleana out of the way. All firing at the Hydra soldiers pouring out of more helicopters.

She feels someone grabbing onto her arm, yanking her back out of the crowd and into an alcove, barely shielding her from the gunfire.


"You have your com?" He asks, eyes cold and angry and  Eleana nods, not trusting herself to answer.

"Then call Steve, do something useful?"

Bucky leaves her there to fight with the other agents and her chest heaves with every breath. Her heart beating wildly, panic coursing through her body every time she calls out to Steve, hearing only static in return.

"Steve? Steve can you hear me?!"

"Steve?! Please answer me."

"You have to come back, Hydra they're-" Another explosion shakes the building and Eleana crouches down, trying to shield herself from chunks of concrete falling, dust covering her face.

"Eleana? Are you safe? I can't contact anyone where's Buck?!"

"He's here, we're holding on-"

"I think she means dying, don't you Eleana?" Pietro's voice is full of malice and arrogance, but that's not what causes her breathing to stop.

"How did you get on this frequency?" Steve yelled through the com, shouting over the noise that's suddenly so loud.

"Dead men don't need coms." Pietro sneers and his com clicks off.

The silence only lasts a second before screams and gunfire, shouts and frightened whispers grow louder and louder until it's unbearable. Every channel, every voice, all shouting, screaming in Eleana's ear at once.

"Oh god. Eleana what did you do?!" Steve's voice is so quiet now and her own catches in her throat.


"I let him out."

One after another their distorted screams and desperate calls for help fell silent. Eleana heard the noises, she knew who was killing them. All she could do was listen. Her hate for the man she'd fought so hard to save growing with every life he took. They were losing, and Pietro was revelling in the chaos.

Streams of white and blue light cross Eleana's vision, stomach churning as her eyes follow the glow, weaving through the lines of agents to the first line of defence. One after the other, agents holding the line begin to fall. Desperately firing into the air, fighting to save their lives. They didn't stand a chance. Not against this Pietro.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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