Part 3: broken (m)

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The chill of the night began to creep through Eleana's anger and she found herself walking towards the museum, ironically, the place she first realized she loved Pietro

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The chill of the night began to creep through Eleana's anger and she found herself walking towards the museum, ironically, the place she first realized she loved Pietro. It was the opening night of the museum's Avengers exhibit, Pietro of course was bored, playing pranks on her and the rest of the team, stealing hugs and kisses from Eleana when no one noticed.

After the speeches and interviews, they both wandered the third floor hand in hand, him rolling his eyes when Eleana wanted to stop and read every bit of information and admire almost every painting. He pulled her into a hug and just held her a moment, it felt so right and Eleana knew this was where she wanted to be, she wanted to be his forever.

Defeated Eleana dropped down onto the stone steps and closed her eyes to the outside world, all her frustration and sadness coming to the surface, sobs wracking her tired body.

Raindrops splashed onto her hands and bounced off the stone and she chuckled as the heavens opened, the water drenching her hair and soaking through her clothes. Well fuck you too.

Wiping the water out of her eyes,  Eleana took out her phone to call a cab, scrolling through there were numerous calls and texts from Steve. Shit. Eleana had left it on vibrate and not even thought to look. The last thing she wanted was for Steve to worry. After quickly calling a cab she sent him a text, he wasn't going to be happy with her.

Tiptoeing up the stairs to the common room Eleana instantly knew the atmosphere wasn't the usual jovial one. Steve was pacing the room and the others were gathered on the sofa speaking in hushed whispers. She also noticed Bucky and Pietro weren't there and that set her on edge even more.

Eleana took a deep breath and pulled open the heavy glass doors, all eyes were on her and she shrank away from Steve as he approached.

"Eleana?! What the hell were you thinking? Anything could have happened to you," his features softened slightly when he saw Eleana still soaking wet and shivering, "don't ever do that again."

Steve wrapped a towel around Eleana's shoulders and sat her down on the sofa before walking over to the kitchen to make her a hot drink. She smiled a thank you and pulled the towel tighter around her body trying to disappear, she must have looked pathetic.

"Yeah Eleana, you missed all the fun." Clint whispered sarcastically after a few moments of silence. Everyone else seemed to get the joke, awkwardly glancing between themselves.

"What fun? What happened?"  Eleana asked, her stomach churning.

Curious for an answer Eleana glanced around, each avenger avoiding her eyes until they landed on Tony. With an exasperated sigh he gulped down the last dregs of his whiskey and stood up to leave, passing by Eleana and rolling his eyes at Steve's warning glare.

"Old metal arm taught your fuck buddy a lesson in honour is what happened..." Tony chuckled and pretended to be surprised when Steve and the others showed their obvious disgust at his choice of words.

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