Part 4: help me forget

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Eleana practically sleep walked into the gym, it was the last thing she wanted to do, to have to train with Pietro and act like nothing had happened

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Eleana practically sleep walked into the gym, it was the last thing she wanted to do, to have to train with Pietro and act like nothing had happened. Yet a part of her wanted to show him she wasn't as weak as she actually was, that she wasn't dying inside.

Steve's eyes regarded her with concern when he saw Eleana walking towards him, hugging her before she could say a word. Pulling away Eleana gave him a fake smile she knew he saw right through.

"I'm ok, where's Pietro?" Her voice was flat, just like she wanted it to be as she began helping him move the mats.

"He's on mission," Eleana stared up at him, nearly dropping the mat in her hands, "he went to Fury last night, asking for anything available."

"Oh." Was all Eleana could manage, too shocked to really take it in, she felt like she was slowly shattering inside. He just left?

"I guess you told him?" Steve asks her softly, taking her hand when he gets no response, "Eleana?"

'I want you, I need you' Eleana almost laughed, so much so he would leave everything behind just to get away from her. He was all she ever wanted and those three words had put the nail in the coffin forever. Eleana finally looked up into Steve's eyes and broke down.

"He didn't even say goodbye."


Eleana withdrew from everyone and everything, days turn into weeks and she hears nothing from Pietro. Her room became her haven and she didn't leave unless she had to train or go on a mission, even then Eleana wasn't really there, still wrapped up in her heartache. Most nights she snuck out to go drinking; which is where she was now, in the last dive bar in the area that hadn't barred her.

"Fuck this and fuck him." Eleana declares to no one in particular, downing another shot of bourbon. No wonder Bucky loved this stuff so much, she felt all warm and fuzzy.

When everything became too much it would dull the pain, if only for a few hours. Eleana had told him she loved him and he'd run as far as he could, just like he always did. He was probably banging someone else while she sat here swigging the last of this delightful bourbon.

Eleana held her hand out for another and the barman puts his hand over the glass and shakes his head.

"I think you've had enough lady."

She was tempted to lay into him, instead Eleana gave him the finger and wobbled off the stool, only just managing to stay upright, "Whatever, plenty more bars where you come from."

Squinting she tries to focus on her phone to see the time, it looked like 3:50am? She didn't notice where she was going and bumped into one of the biker guys that had asked her to dance earlier on in the night, one that Eleana had given a pretty unceremonious no to.

"Watch it bitch," the man shouted nearly knocking her over. He turned to his friend, laughing when she mutters a 'sorry' and wobbles over to the door knocking into tables. Eleana's vision was blurring, she had never really been a big drinker.

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